Lookup Anything

Lookup Anything


[Lookup Anything] progression mode

Pathoschild opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Lookup Anything tries to balance between demystifying game mechanics and spoiling the game, which means it can't show some possible spoilers. For example, players may want to learn about Abigail's relationship with her parents through her heart events, or discover gift tastes for themselves.

Consider adding a progression mode that unlocks details as the player discovers them. This might be a bit difficult, because the game doesn't keep track of enough data (e.g. whether you've grown a given crop before or seen a particular dialogue line). Lookup Anything will need a mechanism to detect and track those details itself.

Suggested or discussed several times:


Done in secret-dev for the upcoming Lookup Anything 1.22:

(The secret-dev branch has spoilers for the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.4, so it's not public yet.)