- 0
[PyTK/TMXLoader] Tilesheet sync failure causing hangs
#44 opened by ejektaflex - 0
[CustomFurniture] Furniture placement causing crashes
#45 opened by ejektaflex - 0
CustomFarming - documentation
#1 opened by VerisZG - 0
Junimo Farm trail cant place in shed
#5 opened by FaruqRahmadani - 1
#6 opened by AmburrBambii - 0
CustomTV doesn't properly support overloading the Weather Channel
#8 opened by Sakorona - 0
Custom Furniture fails loading asset due to absolute path
#10 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Custom Farming: Be able to craft non-placeable items.
#12 opened by xangriaz - 2
NullResourceException using CustomTV
#13 opened by Sakorona - 4
Animal happiness/eating not working properly
#14 opened by vaindil - 3
Harp Of Yoba -> Tree Magic
#15 opened by AustinYQM - 0
CustomFurniture - set collision areas anywhere
#17 opened by rachelbasse - 2
CustomTVMod: Issue replacing tv channel.
#19 opened by Sakorona - 1
Event protection in PyTK
#20 opened by Entoarox - 1
Multiple "materials" for Custom Machines
#23 opened by Viciou - 8
Issue with Unknown Origin
#24 opened by Tithonius - 0
can not find Harmony
#30 opened by BigBigPlant - 0
Split money in a fair manner
#29 opened by wololo-wololo - 0
Get multiplayer messenger to work?
#31 opened by funny-snek - 0
Scale calculating bug in Portraiture
#32 opened by NiszaCrizane - 1
Harp of Yoba -> Harp doesn't work if music is disabled at title screen
#39 opened by sapid - 1
Crash on startup with PyTK 1.6.1
#41 opened by kurumushi - 1
CFR: Log Spam and prevents screen updating/sleeping/changing maps
#42 opened by Jellypowered - 1
(CFR) Product Category Not correctly Setting
#43 opened by SwizzyStudios