Schedule Viewer

Schedule Viewer


Spanish Localization

36095 opened this issue 2 comments


Hi! Here's the spanish translation of your mod :D

Here are some screenshots, just click on them to open the dropdowns

Options screen:

I changed some texts to be short, because it gets cut when using small window sizes, but they mean almost the same thing.

Options screen screenshot 1
Options screen screenshot 2

Schedule Screen:

Schedule screen screenshot 1
Schedule screen screenshot 2


The file: es.json

Here's the file contents in case you can't download using the above link 馃槃
  "config.title.general": "Opciones Generales:",
  "": "Tecla de acceso r谩pido",
  "": "Ocultar detalles al superponer",
  "config.option.disable_hover.description": "No mostrar casilla, direcci贸n, e informaci贸n de la animaci贸n al pasar el rat贸n.",
  "": "Usar fuente grande en detalles",
  "config.option.use_large_font.description": "Usar un tama帽o de texto m谩s grande en la p谩gina de detalles del horario. (Si est谩 activado el texto puede ser recortado seg煤n el nombre de la ubicaci贸n.)",
  "config.title.filter_sort": "Opciones de orden y filtro:",
  "": "Orden de los NPCs",
  "config.option.sort_options.description": "C贸mo se ordenan los NPCs al ver sus horarios.",
  "config.option.sort_options.option_0": "Alfab茅tico Ascendente",
  "config.option.sort_options.option_1": "Alfab茅tico Descendente",
  "config.option.sort_options.option_2": "Corazones Ascendente",
  "config.option.sort_options.option_3": "Corazones Descendente",
  "": "Ocultar NPCs no conocidos",
  "config.option.only_show_met_npcs.description": "Oculta de la lista a los NPCs con los que no has hablado antes.",
  "": "Ocultar NPCs no socializables",
  "config.option.only_show_socializable_npcs.description": "Oculta de la lista a los NPCs con los que no puedes socializar (ej: Gunther o Sandy antes de reparar el autob煤s).",
  "error.mismatch_mods": "隆Advertencia! Los mods o las versiones de los mods son diferentes entre el anfitri贸n y t煤, lo cual puede afectar la precisi贸n de los horarios. Mira los registros de SMAPI para m谩s detalles.",
  "error.mismatch_game_version": "隆Advertencia! tu versi贸n del juego es diferente a la del anfitri贸n, lo cual puede afectar la precisi贸n de los horarios.",
  "location_hover_text": "Casilla ({{x}}, {{y}}) mirando hacia {{facingDirection}}",
  "ignoring_schedule_today": "Ignorando su horario de hoy. Ubicaci贸n actual:",
  "not_following_schedule_today": "Sin horario para hoy. Ubicaci贸n actual:",
  "facing_direction_0": "arriba",
  "facing_direction_1": "la derecha",
  "facing_direction_2": "abajo",
  "facing_direction_3": "la izquierda",
  "schedule_details_page.header": "Horario",
  "schedule_details_page.gifted_today.header": "驴Regalado hoy?",
  "schedule_details_page.gifted_today.weekly_limit": "L铆mite semanal alcanzado",
  "schedule_details_page.current_location": "Ubicaci贸n Actual",
  "location_names.Club": "Casino",
  "location_names.HarveyRoom": "Habitaci贸n de Harvey",
  "location_names.IslandEast": "Este de la Isla Gengibre",
  "location_names.IslandHut": "Caba帽a",
  "location_names.IslandNorth": "Norte de la Isla Gengibre",
  "location_names.IslandSouth": "Sur de la Isla Gengibre",
  "location_names.IslandWest": "Oeste de la Isla Gengibre",
  "location_names.LeoTreeHouse": "Casa del 谩rbol",
  "location_names.SandyHouse": "O谩sis",
  "location_names.SebastianRoom": "Habitaci贸n de Sebastian",
  "location_names.SkullCave": "Caverna Calavera",
  "location_names.Sunroom": "Sol谩rium de Caroline",
  "location_names.WitchSwamp": "Pantano de la Bruja",
  "location_names.WitchWarpCave": "Caba帽a de la Bruja"

Thanks for such amazing mod, and have the best of luck with you


Thank you so much and I'll get that added right away! How should I credit you? I'm happy to link to GitHub/Nexus Mods/Twitter/etc


Github is ok, thanks, have a good day 馃槃