Sounds of Yoba

Sounds of Yoba


Missing Source Code for Pelican TTS 1.13.2

croemmich opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I was hoping to update Pelican TTS to support 1.6, however it appears the source code for the latest release (1.13.2) is missing and the code in the repo doesn't compile.


#148 updates to stardew1.6 from the code currently in the repo (1.13.1)

It still won't compile without AWSHandler, which should probably be included in the repo without the AWS credentials.


AWSHandler already only includes the credentials. it's only method getPollyClient() returns a AmazonPollyClient instance via
new AmazonPollyClient("..accessKey...", "...secretKey...", Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1) and does nothing else.