Latest PyTK breaks another Mod: DeepWoods
tcShadowWalker opened this issue ยท 0 comments
the latest version of pyTK 1.13.29 from 2020-03-25 breaks another SDV Mod: DeepWoods
Because it intercepts it's call to load Tilesheets and garbles the path.
(In this log, I removed every mod i normally run, except PyTK and DeepWoods:)
-> "DeepWoods incompatible with PyTK (deepWoodsLakeTilesheet.xnb)"
That seems to be caused by these two lines added in e645445 in the function LoadTileSheet2 / LoadTileSheet:
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(tileSheet.ImageSource))) tileSheet.ImageSource = Path.Combine("Maps", Path.GetFileName(tileSheet.ImageSource));
Is it possible not to break other mods, that don't want to use PyTK?