[LookUpAnything] Island Fridge is ignored
MithranArkanere opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Items stored in the Island Farmhouse's fridge are ignored by the mod, so they will not be added to the Owned counter.
@MithranArkanere Fixed in the upcoming Lookup Anything 1.32.4. Thanks for reporting it!
@dewiniaid I can't reproduce that:
I've also seen all the island chests ignored, including hitting F1 on a Dragon Tooth showing I have 0 of them while looking in a chest that had 9.
Oh, that's normal then. As a farmhand you don't have access to the whole world, only a limited number of synced locations (including the main farm and your current location). so in that case it'll only count the items that exist in the parts of the world that currently exist in your game.