SMAPI - Stardew Modding API

SMAPI - Stardew Modding API


Oddity: When swinging a tool or sword, anything running in PostRenderEvent stops

Sakorona opened this issue ยท 4 comments



private void DrawObjects(object sender, EventArgs e)
       snowPos = Game1.updateFloatingObjectPositionForMovement(snowPos, new Vector2(Game1.viewport.X, Game1.viewport.Y),
                        Game1.previousViewportPosition, -1f);
            snowPos.X = snowPos.X % (16 * Game1.pixelZoom);
            Vector2 position = new Vector2();
            float num1 = -16 * Game1.pixelZoom + snowPos.X % (16 * Game1.pixelZoom);
            while ((double)num1 < Game1.viewport.Width)
                float num2 = -16 * Game1.pixelZoom + snowPos.Y % (16 * Game1.pixelZoom);
                while (num2 < (double)Game1.viewport.Height)
                    position.X = (int)num1;
                    position.Y = (int)num2;
                    Game1.spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, position, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle?
                        (new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle
                        (368 + (int)((Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds + 150) % 1200.0) / 75 * 16, 192, 16, 16)),
                        Color.White * Game1.options.snowTransparency, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero,
                        Game1.pixelZoom + 1f / 1000f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                    num2 += 16 * Game1.pixelZoom;
                num1 += 16 * Game1.pixelZoom;

where snowPos is a Vector2 from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics


@JohnsonNicholas I can't reproduce this in SMAPI 1.15.1 or 2.0 dev. I'm using this code in Entry:

Vector2 snowPos = Vector2.Zero;
GraphicsEvents.OnPostRenderEvent += (sender, args) =>
    snowPos = Game1.updateFloatingObjectPositionForMovement(snowPos, new Vector2(Game1.viewport.X, Game1.viewport.Y), Game1.previousViewportPosition, -1f);
    snowPos.X = snowPos.X % (16 * Game1.pixelZoom);
    Vector2 position = new Vector2();
    float num1 = -16 * Game1.pixelZoom + snowPos.X % (16 * Game1.pixelZoom);
    while ((double)num1 < Game1.viewport.Width)
        float num2 = -16 * Game1.pixelZoom + snowPos.Y % (16 * Game1.pixelZoom);
        while (num2 < (double)Game1.viewport.Height)
            position.X = (int)num1;
            position.Y = (int)num2;
            Game1.spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, position, new Rectangle(368 + (int)((Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds + 150) % 1200.0) / 75 * 16, 192, 16, 16), Color.White * Game1.options.snowTransparency, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Game1.pixelZoom + 1f / 1000f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
            num2 += 16 * Game1.pixelZoom;
        num1 += 16 * Game1.pixelZoom;

I see the snow fine, and there's no flicker when swinging any tools. Does it still happen for you?


I found the problem. In an effort to stop it from constantly drawing over, I had added this:

            if (!Context.IsPlayerFree)

to stop it from drawing over. Apparently, during the action, the player is obviously not free. I'll just need to find something else.


Context.IsPlayerFree isn't meant to be false when using a tool; I'll look into that.


Fixed in develop for SMAPI 2.0. Context.IsPlayerFree is no longer false when the player is temporarily unable to move, but I added Context.CanPlayerMove for mods that do need to check that.