Polish translation
tomkolp opened this issue · 3 comments
I am one of Tamriel's Scribes, we translate ESO into Polish. We currently have 57% translation. Many people report that Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter doesn't work with Polish. I would like to fully translate Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter add-on to make it work with Polish.
I would like to start with all the functions of the add-on to work properly. Where can I start? Can I edit en.lua or do I want the output file to look different?
For translation, there's two parts.
First, you'll want to translate default.lua. Second, you need to translate what's in en.lua. Both parts should go into po.lua or whatever the language code is.
While not a hard rule, default.lua is generally user facing text, while en.lua is internally used text and must match exactly whatever is in the game, as LWC uses that text to recognize stuff
I created pl.lua and copied the contents of en.lua. Then I translated the sections marked "vital", unfortunately the addons functions don't work properly.
It doesn't work to pick up quests from the board or collect rewards from chests. Only displaying red or green depending on task completion works.
Do I have to uncomment the first function that is commented out?
Can the problem be the character encoding in Polish we have: ąćęłńśóżź?
Is it possible to debug somehow?
I chose the translations from our pl.lang file, but sometimes there is the same source and different translations with a different id.
-- Addon Name: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter
-- Creator: Dolgubon (Joseph Heinzle)
-- Addon Ideal: Simplifies Crafting Writs as much as possible
-- Addon Creation Date: March 14, 2016
-- File Name: Languages/pl.lua
-- File Description: Polish Localization
-- Load Order Requirements: None
-- If you are not looking to translate the addon you can ignore this. :D
-- If you ARE looking to translate this to something else then anything with a comment of Vital beside it is
-- REQUIRED for the addon to function properly. These strings MUST BE TRANSLATED EXACTLY!
-- If only going for functionality, ctrl+f for Vital. Otherwise, you should just translate everything. Note that some strings
-- Note that if you are going for a full translation, you must also translate defualt.lua and paste it into your localization file.
-- For languages that do not use the Latin Alphabet, there is also an optional langParser() function. IF the language you are translating
-- requires some changes to the WritCreater.parser() function then write the optional langParser() function here, and the addon
-- will use that instead. Just below is a commented out langParser for English. Be sure to remove the comments if rewriting it. [[ ]]
-- If you run into problems, please feel free to contact me on ESOUI.
function WritCreater.langParser(str) -- Optional overwrite function for language translations
local seperater = "%s+"
str = string.gsub(str,":"," ")
local params = {}
local i = 1
local searchResult1, searchResult2 = string.find(str,seperater)
if searchResult1 == 1 then
str = string.sub(str, searchResult2+1)
searchResult1, searchResult2 = string.find(str,seperater)
while searchResult1 do
params[i] = string.sub(str, 1, searchResult1-1)
str = string.sub(str, searchResult2+1)
searchResult1, searchResult2 = string.find(str,seperater)
params[i] = str
return params
WritCreater = WritCreater or {}
local function proper(str)
if type(str)== "string" then
return zo_strformat("<<C:1>>",str)
return str
function WritCreater.langWritNames() -- Vital
-- Exact!!! I know for german alchemy writ is Alchemistenschrieb - so ["G"] = schrieb, and ["A"]=Alchemisten
local names = {
["G"] = "Zlecenie",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING] = "zaklinacza", -- 52420949-0-5400 Enchanter Writ - Zlecenie dla zaklinacza
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY] = "alchemika",
return names
function WritCreater.langCraftKernels()
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING] = "Zaklinanie", -- 81344020-0-425
[CRAFTING_TYPE_BLACKSMITHING] = "Kuźnia", -- 146361138-0-528
[CRAFTING_TYPE_CLOTHIER] = "Sukiennik", -- 146361138-0-832
[CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING] = "Aprowizator", -- 68561141-0-180
[CRAFTING_TYPE_WOODWORKING] = "Stolarstwo", -- 260523861-5-24
function WritCreater.langMasterWritNames() -- Vital
local names = {
["M"] = "mistrzowsk",
["M1"] = "mistrzowsk",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY] = "mikstura", -- 52420949-0-5983 A Masterful Concoction - Mistrzowska mikstura
["plate"] = "pancerz",
["tailoring"] = "krawiectwo",
["leatherwear"] = "skórzana",
["weapon"] = "broń",
["shield"] = "tarcza",
return names
function WritCreater.writCompleteStrings() -- Vital for translation
local strings = {
["place"] = "Umieść towary w skrzyni",
["sign"] = "Podpisz potwierdzenie",
["masterPlace"] = "Skończył",
["masterSign"] = "<Ukończ zlecenie.>", -- 232026500-0-12524
["masterStart"] = "<Zaakceptuj umowę.>",
["Rolis Hlaalu"] = "Rolis Hlaalu", -- This is the same in most languages but ofc chinese and japanese
["Deliver"] = "Dostarcz", -- 121487972-0-12653
return strings
function WritCreater.languageInfo() -- Vital
local craftInfo =
["pieces"] = --exact!!
[1] = "szata",
[2] = "kaftan",
[3] = "buty",
[4] = "gloves",
[5] = "hat",
[6] = "breeches",
[7] = "epaulet",
[8] = "sash",
[9] = "jack",
[10]= "boots",
[11]= "bracers",
[12]= "helmet",
[13]= "guards",
[14]= "cops",
[15]= "belt",
["match"] = --exact!!! This is not the material, but rather the prefix the material gives to equipment. e.g. Homespun Robe, Linen Robe
[1] = "Homespun", --lvtier one of mats
[2] = "Linen", --l
[3] = "Cotton",
[4] = "Spidersilk",
[5] = "Ebonthread",
[6] = "Kresh",
[7] = "Ironthread",
[8] = "Silverweave",
[9] = "Shadowspun",
[10]= "Ancestor",
[11]= "Rawhide",
[12]= "Hide",
[13]= "Leather",
[14]= "Full-Leather",
[15]= "Fell",
[16]= "Brigandine",
[17]= "Ironhide",
[18]= "Superb",
[19]= "Shadowhide",
[20]= "Rubedo",
["pieces"] = --exact!!
[1] = "axe",
[2] = "mace",
[3] = "sword",
[4] = "battle",
[5] ="maul",
[6] ="greatsword",
[7] = "dagger",
[8] = "cuirass",
[9] = "sabatons",
[10] = "gauntlets",
[11] = "helm",
[12] = "greaves",
[13] = "pauldron",
[14] = "girdle",
["match"] = --exact!!! This is not the material, but rather the prefix the material gives to equipment. e.g. Iron Axe, Steel Axe
[1] = "Iron",
[2] = "Steel",
[3] = "Orichalc",
[4] = "Dwarven",
[5] = "Ebon",
[6] = "Calcinium",
[7] = "Galatite",
[8] = "Quicksilver",
[9] = "Voidsteel",
[10]= "Rubedite",
["pieces"] = --Exact!!!
[1] = "bow",
[3] = "inferno",
[4] ="ice",
[5] ="lightning",
[6] ="restoration",
[2] ="shield",
["match"] = --exact!!! This is not the material, but rather the prefix the material gives to equipment. e.g. Maple Bow. Oak Bow.
[1] = "Maple",
[2] = "Oak",
[3] = "Beech",
[4] = "Hickory",
[5] = "Yew",
[6] = "Birch",
[7] = "Ash",
[8] = "Mahogany",
[9] = "Nightwood",
[10] = "Ruby",
["pieces"] = --Exact!!!
[1] = "ring",
[2] = "necklace",
["match"] = --exact!!! This is not the material, but rather the prefix the material gives to equipment. e.g. Maple Bow. Oak Bow.
[1] = "Pewter", -- 1
[2] = "Copper", -- 26
[3] = "Silver", -- CP10
[4] = "Electrum", --CP80
[5] = "Platinum", -- CP150
["pieces"] = --exact!!
{ --{String Identifier, ItemId, positive or negative}
{"disease", 45841,2},
{"foulness", 45841,1},
{"absorb stamina", 45833,2},
{"absorb magicka", 45832,2},
{"absorb health", 45831,2},
{"frost resist",45839,2},
{"feat", 45836,2},
{"stamina recovery", 45836,1},
{"hardening", 45842,1},
{"crushing", 45842,2},
{"onslaught", 68342,2},
{"defense", 68342,1},
{"poison resist",45837,2},
{"spell harm",45848,2},
{"magicka recovery", 45835,1},
{"spell cost", 45835,2},
{"shock resist",45840,2},
{"health recovery",45834,1},
{"decrease health",45834,2},
{"flame resist",45838,2},
{"decrease physical", 45847,2},
{"increase physical", 45847,1},
["match"] = --exact!!! The names of glyphs. The prefix (in English) So trifling glyph of magicka, for example
[1] = {"trifling", 45855},
[2] = {"inferior",45856},
[3] = {"petty",45857},
[4] = {"slight",45806},
[5] = {"minor",45807},
[6] = {"lesser",45808},
[7] = {"moderate",45809},
[8] = {"average",45810},
[9] = {"strong",45811},
[10]= {"major",45812},
[11]= {"greater",45813},
[12]= {"grand",45814},
[13]= {"splendid",45815},
[14]= {"monumental",45816},
[15]= {"truly",{68341,68340,},},
[16]= {"superb",{64509,64508,},},
["quality"] =
{"", 45850} -- default, if nothing is mentioned. Default should be Ta.
return craftInfo
function WritCreater.masterWritQuality() -- Vital . This is probably not necessary, but it stays for now because it works
return {{"Epic",4},{"Legendary",5}}
function WritCreater.langEssenceNames() -- Vital
local essenceNames =
[1] = "Oko", --health
[2] = "Deni", --stamina
[3] = "Makko", --magicka
return essenceNames
function WritCreater.langPotencyNames() -- Vital
--exact!! Also, these are all the positive runestones - no negatives needed.
local potencyNames =
[1] = "Jora", --Lowest potency stone lvl
[2] = "Porade",
[3] = "Jera",
[4] = "Jejora",
[5] = "Odra",
[6] = "Pojora",
[7] = "Edora",
[8] = "Jaera",
[9] = "Pora",
[10]= "Denara",
[11]= "Rera",
[12]= "Derado",
[13]= "Rekura",
[14]= "Kura",
[15]= "Rejera",
[16]= "Repora", --v16 potency stone
return potencyNames
function WritCreater.questExceptions(condition)
condition = string.gsub(condition, " "," ")
return condition
function WritCreater.enchantExceptions(condition)
condition = string.gsub(condition, " "," ")
return condition
function WritCreater.langTutorial(i)
local t = {
[5]="There's also a few things you should know.\nFirst, /dailyreset is a slash command that will tell you\nhow long until the next daily server reset.",
[4]="Finally, you can also choose to deactivate or\nactivate this addon for each profession.\nBy default, all applicable crafts are on.\nIf you wish to turn some off, please check the settings.",
[3]="Next, you need to choose if you wish to see this\nwindow when using a crafting station.\nThe window will tell you how many mats the writ will require, as well as how many you currently have.",
[2]="The first setting to choose is if you\nwant to useAutoCraft.\nIf on, when you enter a crafting station, the addon will start crafting.",
[1]="Welcome to Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter!\nThere are a few settings you should choose first.\n You can change the settings at any\n time in the settings menu.",
return t[i]
function WritCreater.langTutorialButton(i,onOrOff) -- sentimental and short please. These must fit on a small button
local tOn =
[1]="Use Defaults",
local tOff=
[3]="Do not show",
if onOrOff then
return tOn[i]
return tOff[i]
function WritCreater.langStationNames()
{["Kuźnia"] = 1, ["Stanowisko krawieckie"] = 2,
["Stół do zaklinania"] = 3,["Stanowisko alchemiczne"] = 4, ["Palenisko do gotowania"] = 5, ["Stanowisko stolarskie"] = 6, ["Stanowisko jubilerskie"] = 7, }
-- What is this??! This is just a fun 'easter egg' that is never activated on easter.
-- Replaces mat names with a random DivineMats on Halloween, New Year's, and April Fools day. You don't need this many! :D
-- Translate it or don't, completely up to you. But if you don't translate it, replace the body of
-- shouldDivinityprotocolbeactivatednowornotitshouldbeallthetimebutwhateveritlljustbeforabit()
-- with just a return false. (This will prevent it from ever activating. Also, if you're a user and don't like this,
-- you're boring, and also that's how you can disable it. )
local DivineMats =
{"Rusted Nails", "Ghost Robes", "","","", "Rotten Logs","Cursed Gold", "Chopped Liver", "Crumbled Gravestones", "Toad Eyes", "Werewolf Claws", "Zombie Guts", "Lizard Brains"},
{"Buzzers","Sock Puppets", "Jester Hats","Otter Noses", "Red Herrings", "Wooden Snakes", "Gold Teeth", "Mudpies"},
{"Coal", "Stockings", "","","","Evergreen Branches", "Golden Rings", "Bottled Time", "Reindeer Bells", "Elven Hats", "Pine Needles", "Cups of Snow"},
-- confetti?
-- random sounds?
local function shouldDivinityprotocolbeactivatednowornotitshouldbeallthetimebutwhateveritlljustbeforabit()
if GetDate()%10000 == 1031 then return 1 end
if GetDate()%10000 == 401 then return 2 end
if GetDate()%10000 == 1231 then return 3 end
if GetDisplayName() == "@Dolgubon" or GetDisplayName() == "@Gitaelia" or GetDisplayName() == "@mithra62" or GetDisplayName() == "@PacoHasPants" then
return 2
return false
WritCreater.shouldDivinityprotocolbeactivatednowornotitshouldbeallthetimebutwhateveritlljustbeforabit = shouldDivinityprotocolbeactivatednowornotitshouldbeallthetimebutwhateveritlljustbeforabit
local function wellWeShouldUseADivineMatButWeHaveNoClueWhichOneItIsSoWeNeedToAskTheGodsWhichDivineMatShouldBeUsed() local a= math.random(1, #DivineMats ) return DivineMats[a] end
local l = shouldDivinityprotocolbeactivatednowornotitshouldbeallthetimebutwhateveritlljustbeforabit()
if l then
DivineMats = DivineMats[l]
local DivineMat = wellWeShouldUseADivineMatButWeHaveNoClueWhichOneItIsSoWeNeedToAskTheGodsWhichDivineMatShouldBeUsed()
WritCreater.strings.smithingReqM = function (amount, _,more)
local craft = GetCraftingInteractionType()
DivineMat = DivineMats[craft]
return zo_strformat( "Crafting will use <<1>> <<4>> (|cf60000You need <<3>>|r)" ,amount, type, more, DivineMat) end
WritCreater.strings.smithingReqM2 = function (amount, _,more)
local craft = GetCraftingInteractionType()
DivineMat = DivineMats[craft]
return zo_strformat( "As well as <<1>> <<4>> (|cf60000You need <<3>>|r)" ,amount, type, more, DivineMat) end
WritCreater.strings.smithingReq = function (amount, _,more)
local craft = GetCraftingInteractionType()
DivineMat = DivineMats[craft]
return zo_strformat( "Crafting will use <<1>> <<4>> (|c2dff00<<3>> available|r)" ,amount, type, more, DivineMat) end
WritCreater.strings.smithingReq2 = function (amount, _,more)
local craft = GetCraftingInteractionType()
DivineMat = DivineMats[craft]
return zo_strformat( "As well as <<1>> <<4>> (|c2dff00<<3>> available|r)" ,amount, type, more, DivineMat) end
-- [[ /script local writcreater = {} local c = {a = 1} local g = {__index = c} setmetatable(writ, g) d(a.a) local e = {__index = {Z = 2}} setmetatable(c, e) d(a.Z)
local h = {__index = {}}
local t = {}
local g = {["__index"] = t}
setmetatable(t, h)
setmetatable(WritCreater, g) --]]
local function enableAlternateUniverse(override)
if shouldDivinityprotocolbeactivatednowornotitshouldbeallthetimebutwhateveritlljustbeforabit() == 2 or override then
--if true then
local stations =
{"Blacksmithing Station", "Clothing Station", "Enchanting Table",
"Alchemy Station", "Cooking Fire", "Woodworking Station","Jewelry Crafting Station", "Outfit Station", "Transmute Station", "Wayshrine"}
local stationNames = -- in the comments are other names that were also considered, though not all were considered seriously
{"Wightsmithing Station", -- Popcorn Machine , Skyforge, Heavy Metal Station, Metal Clockwork Solid, Wightsmithing Station., Coyote Stopper
"Sock Puppet Theatre", -- Sock Distribution Center, Soul-Shriven Sock Station, Grandma's Sock Knitting Station, Knits and Pieces, Sock Knitting Station
"Top Hats Inc.", -- Mahjong Station, Magic Store, Card Finder, Five Aces, Top Hat Store
"Seedy Skooma Bar", -- Chemical Laboratory , Drugstore, White's Garage, Cocktail Bar, Med-Tek Pharmaceutical Company, Med-Tek Laboratories, Skooma Central, Skooma Backdoor Dealers, Sheogorath's Pharmacy
"McDaedra Order Kiosk",--"Khajit Fried Chicken", -- Khajit Fried Chicken, soup Kitchen, Some kind of bar, misspelling?, Roast Bosmer
"IKEA Assembly Station", -- Chainsaw Massace, Saw Station, Shield Corp, IKEA Assembly Station, Wood Splinter Removal Station
"April Fool's Gold",--"Diamond Scam Store", -- Lucy in the Sky, Wedding Planning Hub, Shiny Maker, Oooh Shiny, Shiny Bling Maker, Cubit Zirconia, Rhinestone Palace
-- April Fool's Gold
"Khajit Fur Trade Outpost", -- Jester Dressing Room Loincloth Shop, Khajit Walk, Khajit Fashion Show, Mummy Maker, Thalmor Spy Agency, Tamriel Catwalk,
-- Tamriel Khajitwalk, second hand warehouse,. Dye for Me, Catfur Jackets, Outfit station "Khajiit Furriers", Khajit Fur Trading Outpost
"Sacrificial Goat Altar",-- Heisenberg's Station Correction Facility, Time Machine, Probability Redistributor, Slot Machine Rigger, RNG Countermeasure, Lootcifer Shrine, Whack-a-mole
-- Anti Salt Machine, Department of Corrections, Quantum State Rigger , Unnerf Station
"TARDIS" } -- Transporter, Molecular Discombobulator, Beamer, Warp Tunnel, Portal, Stargate, Cannon!, Warp Gate
local crafts = {"Blacksmithing", "Clothing", "Enchanting","Alchemy","Provisioning","Woodworking","Jewelry Crafting" }
local craftNames = {
"Sock Knitting",
"Top Hat Tricks",
"Skooma Brewing",
"McDaedra",--"Chicken Frying",
"IKEA Assembly",
"Fool's Gold Creation",
local quest = {"Blacksmith", "Clothier", "Enchanter" ,"Alchemist", "Provisioner", "Woodworker", "Jewelry Crafting","Provisioner Writ"}
local questNames =
"Sock Knitter",
"Top Hat Trickster",
"Skooma Brewer",
"McDaedra",--"Chicken Fryer",
"IKEA Assembly",
"Fool's Gold",
"McDaedra Delivery",
local items = {"Blacksmith", "Clothier", "Enchanter", "alchemical", "food and drink", "Woodworker", "Jewelry"}
local itemNames = {
"Sock Puppet",
"Top Hat",
"McDaedra Nuggets",--"Fried Chicken",
"Fool's Gold",
local coffers = {"Blacksmith", "Clothier", "Enchanter" ,"Alchemist", "Provisioner's Pack", "Woodworker", "Jewelry Crafter's",}
local cofferNames = {
"Sock Knitter",
"Top Hat Trickster",
"Skooma Brewer",
"McDaedra Takeout",--"Chicken Fryer",
"IKEA Assembly",
"Fool's Gold",
local ones = {"Jewelry Crafter"}
local oneNames = {"Fool's Gold"}
local t = {["__index"] = {}}
function h.__index.alternateUniverse()
return stations, stationNames
function h.__index.alternateUniverseCrafts()
return crafts, craftNames
function h.__index.alternateUniverseQuests()
return quest, questNames
function h.__index.alternateUniverseItems()
return items, itemNames
function h.__index.alternateUniverseCoffers()
return coffers, cofferNames
function h.__index.alternateUniverseOnes()
return ones, oneNames
h.__metatable = "No looky!"
local a = WritCreater.langStationNames()
a[1] = 1
for i = 1, 7 do
a[stationNames[i]] = i
WritCreater.langStationNames = function()
return a
local b =WritCreater.langWritNames()
for i = 1, 7 do
b[i] = questNames[i]
-- WritCreater.langWritNames = function() return b end
-- For Transmutation: "Well Fitted Forever"
-- So far, I like blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking, and wayshrine, enchanting
-- that leaves , alchemy, cooking, jewelry, outfits, and transmutation
local lastYearStations =
{"Blacksmithing Station", "Clothing Station", "Woodworking Station", "Cooking Fire",
"Enchanting Table", "Alchemy Station", "Outfit Station", "Transmute Station", "Wayshrine"}
local stationNames = -- in the comments are other names that were also considered, though not all were considered seriously
{"Heavy Metal 112.3 FM", -- Popcorn Machine , Skyforge, Heavy Metal Station
"Sock Knitting Station", -- Sock Distribution Center, Soul-Shriven Sock Station, Grandma's Sock Knitting Station, Knits and Pieces
"Splinter Removal Station", -- Chainsaw Massace, Saw Station, Shield Corp, IKEA Assembly Station, Wood Splinter Removal Station
"McSheo's Food Co.",
"Tetris Station", -- Mahjong Station
"Poison Control Centre", -- Chemical Laboratory , Drugstore, White's Garage, Cocktail Bar, Med-Tek Pharmaceutical Company, Med-Tek Laboratories
"Thalmor Spy Agency", -- Jester Dressing Room Loincloth Shop, Khajit Walk, Khajit Fashion Show, Mummy Maker, Thalmor Spy Agency, Morag Tong Information Hub, Tamriel Spy HQ,
"Department of Corrections",-- Heisenberg's Station Correction Facility, Time Machine, Probability Redistributor, Slot Machine Rigger, RNG Countermeasure, Lootcifer Shrine, Whack-a-mole
-- Anti Salt Machine, Department of Corrections
"Warp Gate" } -- Transporter, Molecular Discombobulator, Beamer, Warp Tunnel, Portal, Stargate, Cannon!, Warp Gate
-- enableAlternateUniverse(GetDisplayName()=="@Dolgubon")
local function alternateListener(eventCode, channelType, fromName, text, isCustomerService, fromDisplayName)
if not WritCreater.alternateUniverse and fromDisplayName == "@Dolgubon"and (text == "Let the Isles bleed into Nirn!" ) then
-- if GetDisplayName() == "@Dolgubon" then
-- enableAlternateUniverse(true)
-- WritCreater.WipeThatFrownOffYourFace(true)
-- end
-- 20764
-- 21465
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(WritCreater.name,EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL, alternateListener)
--Hide craft window when done
--"Verstecke Fenster anschließend",
-- [tooltip ] = "Verstecke das Writ Crafter Fenster an der Handwerksstation automatisch, nachdem die Gegenstände hergestellt wurden"
function WritCreater.langWritRewardBoxes () return {
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY] = "Alchemist's Vessel",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING] = "Enchanter's Coffer",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING] = "Provisioner's Pack",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_CLOTHIER] = "Clothier's Satchel",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_WOODWORKING] = "Woodworker's Case",
[CRAFTING_TYPE_JEWELRYCRAFTING] = "Jewelry Crafter's Coffer",
[8] = "Shipment",
function WritCreater.getTaString()
return "ta"
WritCreater.optionStrings["alternate universe"] = "Turn off April"
WritCreater.optionStrings["alternate universe tooltip"] = "Turn off the renaming of crafts, crafting stations, and other interactables"
WritCreater.lang = "en"
WritCreater.langIsMasterWritSupported = true
SLASH_COMMANDS['/opencontainers'] = function()local a=WritCreater.langWritRewardBoxes() for i=1,200 do for j=1,6 do if a[j]==GetItemName(1,i) then if IsProtectedFunction("endUseItem") then
end end end end end]]