Nirn Auction House

Nirn Auction House


using IWshRuntimeLibrary;

Micke3rd opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi Elo,
the solution out of the box dont know "using IWshRuntimeLibrary;"
Did you thought about to add the WSH dll to the source ?


You need to go to Project->Add Reference
In the section labeled "COM" select "Windows Script Host Object Model" and click "OK"


it's not about how usually add a reference, cause u already added the ref from the GAC.
my example shows u, that on all PC without WSH u would get a exception (missing WSH), because of that my hint how to avoid it with other deployment.


WSH is Removed in Next Version as it was only used to create a shortcut which is no longer used.
Thanks for your feedback


u are welcome, i like the idea of the mod :-)