Nirn Auction House

Nirn Auction House



ssorgatem opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Some people play ESO on Linux through Wine (it works rather well)

I see the server link executable for this addon relies on .Net.
.Net doesn't play too nice with Wine, though...
Will it work on Mono? (how is that what the OSX version uses?)


I am hoping this project still lives as I am one of those mentioned linux users. I find ESO runs even better than my Windows machine (and with lower specs)... but I digress. I would love to use this AddOn.


Good news: apparently the .Net executable works on Mono.

This means it runs well on Linux, and it can run on OSX too (making the Swift MacOS-specific version unnecessary)


I don't currently have an option for Linux users but thanks for bringing this to my attention and I'll add it to the todo.


Glad to hear it, thanks for the info!


It looks like it hangs after a while, though...

But it doesn't provide any error message or log to the terminal...


Maybe you can try it with Mono on Windows if you don't have Linux box at hand.
Or on OSX


I've stripped it to be a console app some time ago and use it successfully for several months already.
Failed to fulfill my promise to send a PR :(
Will send it this weekend


ESO runs great on Linux using wine+DXVK. So here is my vote for Linux. Please look at the pull request.