


Content category display

Amerigol0l opened this issue ยท 30 comments


Hey there, just stopping by to help you with some new suggestions :

  • The dropdown menu to choose between Adv / Dung / raid pushes the instance list down. It's a bit odd, but not gamebreaking.
  • With the many reputations there is in the game, would you consider extending your addon to the reputations once you feel comfortable enough with its primary purpose ? This also applies to crafting. What I'm thinking about is adding "tabs" for Reputations, Crafting (runes included), Amps ...

I believe I gave all the suggestions I came up with. As usual, you're doing a fine job, sir.

P.S.: I have no idea how GitHub comments section works. My post appears as closed. I'm sad.


You probably hit the close button somehow. I'll reopen it!


And now to address your enhancements:

  • It pushes the list down because layering in the WS API is a bit odd. When I create the buttons when you click a category, they end up overlapping the dropdown, making it unusable. Hence, I simply move the menu below with it.
  • I believe I've addressed this already on Curse. I might look into adding other categories once the primary purpose has been fulfilled. Reputation is one thing that should be relatively easy to add/maintain.

Again, thanks for the suggestions. It's much easier making an addon when your work is peer-reviewed like this!


I'm happy to help ! I would love to teach myself how to design addons, but I'm afraid it'll just take me years or I"ll fail : / So I'll just stick with harrassing addon developer


Well, if you'd like to contribute, every little bit helps. Drawing a badly sketched version of the UI you'd like to see makes it a lot easier for me to design. Eventually, when the loot tables are updated properly, submitting errors in the loot tables will help. There are many ways to contribute without actually writing the addon itself. Testing new versions directly from this repository (the link I gave you before to test the new UI) and submitting whatever bugs you find is also a good way to contribute.


Dropdowns within dropdowns will be painful to make with the WS API. I do think I have a solution for it now though. I'll see what I can conjure up throughout the day.


Hope this helped showing you what I meant in regards of UI improvement ! Thank you for taking my suggestions into consideration =)

Edit : iirc, there are dropdowns within dropdowns in the carbine group addon, although I have no idea if that can help you or not


I was thinking more like this:


Where the "Category" is stuff like Dungeon, Adventure, Raid, Reputation, Crafting and "Subcategory" would be the dungeon names, adventure names, rep faction names, crafting skill names.

Think that'd do it?


Hmm ... I'd rather have them next to each other (horizontaly). But that should do it aswell.
Make sure if you implement this that you get rid of the multiple choice thing in Category. Atm you can select multiple categories to display.


Question: Would you rather have me use two dropdowns for selecting the "type" of location and the actual location. Like they do it in AtlasLoot? So you can select "Dungeons" in one and "Stormtalon's Lair" in the other?



Basicaly, it has pretty much all the suggestions I gave you. Expect for the category thing, placing it on a separate "window" (the one on top), would make it easier for you if you ever plan to extend the item lists to other category (rep, pvp, craftin etc ... ).
You can also decide not to show the item category names, but I think having items sorted by categories separated from one another would be great.

Also, on the dropdown Instance Category menu, or in the future configuration interface, why not add an option to always show veteran loot if available ( ie if I check this option : I go to Skullcano, 1st boss, by default i will see Veteran drop, and if I want to see normal drops, i need to check the normal case in the bottom of the loot window)


I just saw your comment from 9 min ago. You can make 2 dropdown for instances, or just add a dropdown inside the first dropdown


Like that :

Such art, very picasso, wow.


Could you try this version and see what you think? I wanted it to be slightly minimalistic, so I stacked them vertically.


It's working just fine ! Only thing missing is that when you change category, the loot source list (left window) doesn't clear itself until you select another dung / adv / raid


Oh ! Legendary items (orange ones) are displayed as black on the list !


Yeah, I noticed the legendary thing as well when I did some testing myself. Coulda sworn it didn't do that until today. Could be Carbine has broken something in ApolloColor. I'll make sure it clears the item list as well when you select a new place!


Edit: They did not break anything. I typoed hard.


Also, I just realized something, you should add a filter to what item you take into the addon list! Atm, there's a lot of useless items displayed on the item list, such as junk items, world drop crafting formulas, amps, elemental signs etc ...


Oh, and if you want, since i have time on my hands later tonight, i can make you a full list of items ID missing from each bosses, for you to add manually if that helps


Yes, I really should filter that list. But that'll have to be part of the data export revamp I've got planned for later. I do not consider the item list to be complete. So far I've been in contact with WildHeap and Jabbithole and they've both consented to Catalog using their data. If all goes well, Catalog should be getting weekly loot list updates from fresh data exports from Jabbithole and then merging them with the loot tables from WildHeap. You could make a list of missing item ID's (with their names for reference) so we would at least get some data updates in before 0.0.5 hits

On another note, I fixed both your earlier issues (as seen in the referenced commits)


I added a scaling option last night too. Feel free to try it out.


Not working as intended. The entire window flickers when you use it, and the scaling goes way too big !
This is not what I was thinking about when I meant scaling. I want to be able to increase the size of the window, but not the size of its content ! Litteraly a resize option so that I can see more of Catalogs Content, not only less of my screen !


Like the resize arrow of the Inventory for exemple


Ugh. I was worried you'd say that. Because that's an extreme amount of coding I'll have to do. And with the non-existant documentation from Carbine, it all becomes sooo much easier. Basically, I need to do one of two things:

  1. Recalculate the position of every single control in the window when it is resized.
  2. Somehow use anchoring to solve it without the controls ending up in weird places when the background is resized.

I'll crack open some Carbine addons when I get back from work to see if there's any easier way to solve it.


Also, if you scale, use the buttons on the side. Dragging it with the mouse pointer gets a bit wonky when things move.


Yeah I figured :p Sry about it, but I really dont see any use of the rescale Window.
What you can do on the other hand, if resizing is too hard to make, you can just make the default window bigger !


I could, but that would result in Catalog working badly for people running 1024x768 or lower resolutions.


Unfortunatly, these are the only solution. Having bigger window by default (so that we can see a lot more items), re arrenging how items are displayed, or make it resizable : / Only being able to see 6 items in the main window is not enough (and I mean by far, ideally i want to be able to see all of them if there's less than 30)


I just saw you mad Vet / Normal in a dropdown menu ! That's terrible ! It made perfect sense having two small buttons, please reverse it :(


Fixed in 70fc4e4