Option to not show warbank deposits as loss
FlesHBoX opened this issue · 21 comments
I use the warband miser addon, which automatically deposits/withdraws money from the warband bank in order to maintain a consistent amount of gold on each character.
As a result, since Accountant shows deposits into the warband bank as a loss, it throws off my running profit. Would it be possible to add an option to alter this behavior and show deposits to the warband as a neutral transfer, rather than a loss?
Coming here just to add, I would also like this feature. Should not count as a loss depositing money into my own bank.
I also would like to have the option to not treat this as money loss/gain while depositing/withdrawing money from bank.
I am trying various solution to make it display better but there is various items which are causing an issue with it currently.
- the way warband banks work, been able to add/remove money on any character on your account,
- There doesn't seem to be a specific in-game event that is triggered when money is deposited or withdrawn. the only 2 events that fire can fire at other times as well and there isnt really an event for buying new warband bank tabs as well which further complicates it.
- the way accountant stores it data, on a per character and server basis
@FlesHBoX @garrettv1 @Asag321 I might of just figured it out to a place where I'm happy with it but it will need testing for unintended consequences, and all the scenarios.
There is a branch called warbankbank_balance that has the updated file in if you want to test it you'll need to copy the contents of Accountant.lua over the one that is currently install, it should then not count deposits or withdraws from the warband bank. I will see if i can get a beta/alpha version uploaded to curse for easier installing
a beta version for 11.0.3 should appear on curseforge shortly that can be installed.
Hey, sorry I missed your comment asking for testing. I was at a friend's yesterday. I'll grab the beta on curseforge and give it a go! Much thanks!
Don't worry, I assumed it would take a few days at least for you and the other to see my comment
Quick testing, I tried withdrawing money from the warbank, and re-depositing it as well, and that's not showing any positive or negative, So that seems to be working perfectly.
However, I also had an auction sell and that seemed to be working, showing as only revenue, even after opening the bank and the money auto-depositing, but a moment later after I left the bank it updated, showing the deposit as an expenditure. I was actually in the process of typing this out, that everything was working perfectly, when it happened.
thanks managed to replicate it, and think i've got a fix for it
Basically looks like i forgot to reset something back to what it was before it updates spending for the bank.
in Accountant.lua there is an If statement on line 1893... which needs to be updated to this
if not SC.warbandbankaction then
local tmpMode = SC.mode;
SC.mode = "BANK"
SC.mode = tmpMode
@FlesHBoX Ok, think I have it now.. there will be a new beta version on curse shortly called
It does appear to be working though. But not sure if it's actually working, or if the error is preventing it from continuing and just looks like it's working.
Just ran and turned in a quest on an alt to get a little extra gold, then headed to the bacnk and got this error when closing the bank.
Message: Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua:2287: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Time: Sun Sep 8 18:39:47 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua:2287: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua"]:2287: in function `UpdateLog'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua"]:1896: in function `OnEvent'
[string "*Accountant.xml:595_OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*Accountant.xml:595_OnEvent"]:1>
Locals: mode = "IGNORE"
(for state) = <table> {
1 = "Session"
2 = "Day"
3 = "Week"
4 = "Total"
(for control) = 1
key = 1
logmode = "Session"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
SC = <table> {
artwork_path = "Interface\AddOns\Accountant\Artwork\"
show_toons = "All Chars"
repair_cost = 0
modules = <table> {
current_money = 100000000
current_tab = 1
bankwarbandcash = 59164073177
AllDropdown = "All Chars"
bankcash = 100234000
Realm = "Wyrmrest Accord"
ShowAlliance = true
data = <table> {
got_name = true
could_repair = false
db = <table> {
AUTHOR = "tfmonk "
defaultModuleState = true
baseName = "Accountant"
bankwarbandcashafter = 59164307177
Toons = <table> {
player = "Wyrmrest Accord-Kreêbs"
log_modes = <table> {
can_repair = ""
DEV = true
repair_money = 0
ShowHorde = true
bankopened = true
enabledState = true
verbose = false
show_setup = false
Char = "Kreêbs"
Version = "11.0.3"
AllCharsMaxRows = 60
warbandbankaction = true
log_modes_short = <table> {
last_money = 100000000
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
refund_mode = ""
MaxRows = 15
name = "Accountant"
Faction = "Alliance"
orderedModules = <table> {
CREDAUTHOR = "Urnati & Dajin & Thorismud"
show_mode = false
AllToons = <table> {
sender = ""
mode = "IGNORE"
LDBIcon = <table> {
TITLE = "Accountant"
show_events = false
bankcashafter = 100000000
After that I did another quest and used the warband bank convergence spell just to test, and got a slightly different error (basically the same, but with a few extra lines
Message: Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua:2287: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Time: Sun Sep 8 18:44:30 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua:2287: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua"]:2287: in function `UpdateLog'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Accountant/Accountant.lua"]:1896: in function `OnEvent'
[string "*Accountant.xml:595_OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*Accountant.xml:595_OnEvent"]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CloseBankFrame'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Baganator/ItemViewCommon/BankView.lua"]:163: in function <...terface/AddOns/Baganator/ItemViewCommon/BankView.lua:161>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Hide'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:901: in function `HideUIPanel'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Mainline/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:154: in function <...izzard_SharedXML/Mainline/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:145>
Locals: mode = "IGNORE"
(for state) = <table> {
1 = "Session"
2 = "Day"
3 = "Week"
4 = "Total"
(for control) = 1
key = 1
logmode = "Session"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
SC = <table> {
artwork_path = "Interface\AddOns\Accountant\Artwork\"
show_toons = "All Chars"
repair_cost = 0
modules = <table> {
current_money = 100000000
current_tab = 1
bankwarbandcash = 59164307177
AllDropdown = "All Chars"
bankcash = 100023400
Realm = "Wyrmrest Accord"
ShowAlliance = true
data = <table> {
got_name = true
could_repair = false
db = <table> {
AUTHOR = "tfmonk "
defaultModuleState = true
baseName = "Accountant"
bankwarbandcashafter = 59164330577
Toons = <table> {
player = "Wyrmrest Accord-Kreêbs"
log_modes = <table> {
can_repair = ""
DEV = true
repair_money = 0
ShowHorde = true
bankopened = true
enabledState = true
verbose = false
show_setup = false
Char = "Kreêbs"
Version = "11.0.3"
AllCharsMaxRows = 60
warbandbankaction = true
log_modes_short = <table> {
last_money = 100000000
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
refund_mode = ""
MaxRows = 15
name = "Accountant"
Faction = "Alliance"
orderedModules = <table> {
CREDAUTHOR = "Urnati & Dajin & Thorismud"
show_mode = false
AllToons = <table> {
sender = ""
mode = "IGNORE"
LDBIcon = <table> {
TITLE = "Accountant"
show_events = false
bankcashafter = 100000000
Thanks I'll take a look will probably be Monday evening now for the next version but this is helpful
@FlesHBoX it might be baginator actually causing the error from some bits I can see in the error but will need to look into it further
It wasnt baginator causing the problems, looks like some of the errors also get caught by that... should be available on curse shortly
Sweet. I'll update and test it out after I get off work in a few hours and let you know.
Just ran through and tested both being under the set balance for miser, and over, so that on one character, I spent gold, and got it back from the bank, and on another character gained gold from quest rewards and selling greys, and received no errors, and accountant is showing the correct Net Profit. Also tested using the warband bank convergence access and it also returns no errors and behaves as expected.
Much thanks for this!
Awesome news, @FlesHBoX thanks as well for helping test it made it go a lot quicker, fixing it... i will give it a few days before pushing this live just to give it a little more testing as I did add a few extra bits into the version you just tested.