ActionBar Buddy (ElvUI Plugin)

ActionBar Buddy (ElvUI Plugin)


Lua error on login and also when mount or dismounting

jaychez opened this issue ยท 0 comments


8x ElvUI_ActionBarBuddy/Core.lua:217: attempt to index field 'MountDragons' (a nil value)
[string "@ElvUI_ActionBarBuddy/Core.lua"]:217: in function <ElvUI_ActionBarBuddy/Core.lua:212>

self = Elv_ABFade {
FadeObject =

fadeInfo =
_ = "player"
_ = "Cast-3-3888-2444-1311-88331-006F22E758"
arg3 = 88331
db =
enable = true
displayTriggers =
smooth = 0.330000
(*temporary) =
modules =
hooks =
db =
Initialized = true
moduleName = "ActionBars"
handledBars =
defaultModuleState = true
handledbuttons =
baseName = "ElvUI"
fadeParent = Elv_ABFade {
enabledState = true
KeyBinder = ElvUI_KeyBinder {
defaultModuleLibraries =
customExitButton =
orderedModules =
barDefaults =
name = "ElvUI_ActionBars"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'MountDragons' (a nil value)"
E =
mylevel = 14
Bags =
privateVars =
modules =
myspecRole = "DAMAGER"
PriestColors =
db =
Layout =
Distributor =
MountText =
TimeIndicatorColors =
WorldMap =
TimeColors =
ShortValueDec = "%.1f"
oUF =
Classic = false
myrole = "DAMAGER"
UFParent = ElvUFParent {
InfoColor2 = "|cff9b9b9b"
myname = "Skeletr"
ActionBars =
screenHeight = 1440
ConfigModeLayouts =
DataTexts =
ClassName =
CreatureTypes =
Auras =
private =
ReverseTimer =
TagFunctions =
myClassID = 6
UnlocalizedClasses =
MinimapSize = 276
snapBars =
hooks =
SpecName =
GemTypeInfo =
StyleFilterDefaults =
physicalWidth = 2560
versionString = "13.72"
InfoColor = "|cff1784d1"
CreatedMovers =
myLocalizedFaction = "Horde"
myrace = "ZandalariTroll"
StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames =
VehicleLocks =
myLocalizedRace = "Zandalari Troll"
myclass = "DEATHKNIGHT"
wowdate = "Jul 24 2024"
PopupDialogs =
Chat =
myrealm = "Barthilas"
LayoutMoverPositions =
global =
orderedModules =
Misc =
UnitFrames =
uiscale = 0.533333
TBC = false
AnimElastic =
media =
data =
Options =
toc = 110000
HiddenFrame = Frame {
Media =
name = "ElvUI"
TimeFormats =
ShortPrefixStyles =
versionDev = false
Blizzard =
RegisteredInitialModules =
TotemTracker =
RegisteredCooldowns =
SpecInfoBySpecID =
ObjectEventTable =
title = "|cff1784d1ElvUI|r"
EditorMode =
MapInfo =
frames =
physicalHeight = 1440
NewSignNoWhatsNew = "|TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:14:14:0:0|t"
Retail = true
MountIDs =
AnimShake =
DisabledMovers =
mult = 1
myLocalizedClass = "Death Knight"
PixelMode = true
serverID = 3723
PrivateAuras =
GetFormattedTextStyles =
MediaUpdated = true
loadedtime = 9847.520000
myspecName = "Frost"
ConfigTooltip = ElvUI_ConfigTooltip {
SpecInfoBySpecClass =
myspecIcon = 135773
statusBars =
initialized = true
charSettings =
myguid = "Player-3723-0C3EE8E4"
myspecID = 251
texts =
Spacing = 0
Border = 2
EasyMenu = ElvUI_EasyMenu {
resolution = "2560x1440"
SpellBookTooltip = ElvUI_SpellBookTooltip {
baseName = "El