


Spell on key down

Crazlol opened this issue · 1 comments


Is it possible to launch spell on key down instead of key up ?

Thanks by advance / your work :)


Hi @Crazlol,
The key press behavior on the action buttons (ActionbarPlus actions or the Blizz actions) is controlled through the drag-key settings.

If the Lock Action Bars checkbox is NOT CHECKED, then the action always fires on key-up. I think this is due to the drag behavior, i.e., you have to press keydown to drag an action button to another spot if lock is not enabled.

To enable the key-down action behavior

Make sure the Lock Action Bars is CHECKED see (1) on the image. This should trigger key-down on the action buttons. If it doesn't try and toggle the value from CHECKED to UNCHECKED, then back to CHECKED.

I hope this helps. Otherwise, you will have to file a bug and document the behavior so I can fix. Right now, I don't know of any outstanding bug regarding this behavior.

And THANK YOU for using the add-on! ❤️
