


[Please Vote] Add conditional logic for popping up a frame or a button

nfet opened this issue ยท 2 comments


As a user, I would like to input my own conditions to show/hide a specific button or an entire frame

Envision a similar conditional text box (like ElvUI) with values:
[mod:shift] or [combat]
If the conditions (or set of conditions) evaluate to true, then show button or entire actionbar set.


  • Does this violate Blizzard's fair use of actionbars?

To Users: Please vote / thumbs up if you want this feature


Please like ๐Ÿ‘ if you want this feature or not like ๐Ÿ‘Ž if it's not useful.


This would be extremely useful โ€“ if it does not come at an high resource cost (CPU-wise).

ButtonForge has this feature, CPU usage is quite low in my observations.

Further ahead, it would be extra-useful to have extra conditionals like in ButtonForge (click the link above and scroll down to "How Do I (Advanced)" in the description text) โ€” or, even better, some of the M6 conditionals :-)