

Request some fixes/changes to the tdBattlePetScript skin

eTzmNcbkrng opened this issue ยท 0 comments



There are a couple of things in the tdBattlePetScript skin that could be improved which are hopefully all visible in this screenshot.

  1. In the middle of the screen, near the top you see a brown bar, this is the default anchor for the Pass button, the ElvUI skin removes it but tdBattlePetScript brings it back to put it's Auto button in, though it gets kind of messed up. I propose making a second attempt at removing it, making the ElvUI Pass button only half it's width and sitting the tdBattlePetScript Auto button next to the Pass button. Kinda like this:

  2. tdBattlePetScript allows you to change the active script when you mouse over the Round number (visible in the middle at the top of the screen), this kind of breaks with ElvUI because the ElvUI skin moves weather effects (and their duration) exactly where this menu appears, it makes it nearly impossible to activate the Weather effect tooltip and very difficult to read its duration (in my screenshot you can see it is Round 11 and the weather effect maybe shows a duration of 3 on a lower strata).
    I'm not quite sure what to do about this one, maybe move the weather effect a little lower so it sits under the menu?