


Cannot get this to work at all

Ansi opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Which class ? Any error message ? Have you downloaded it from Wowace or Curse ? If not, have you installed all the dependencies ?

Also please note that at this moment, this addon has no configuration option.


Tried on hunter/rogue/warrior and I don't get any errors.

I also tried deleting WTF/Interface, and then running with only AdiButtonAuras enabled - but simply nothing happens when I log in. I tried doing this with both the beta and alpha versions.

It's a shame because I cannot live without inlineaura(!), but I'm looking for something new. And the only alternative seem to be Dominos_Bufftime, but that one is wierd - so really excited about this one =)


This new version finally works! I installed bugsack and will update you on any errors I get.

Edit: Do you plan on giving it any omnicc functions? Like ActionButtonText:

Also - I know you plan to keep this simple, and that's what I like about it - but any chance of adjusting/toning down the colors? Or is it a simple LUA change we can do manually?


Downloaded new version - same issue. Am I doing something wrong?


Have you enabled Lua error display or installed an error-catching addon (like the !BugGrabber + BugSack) ? By the way, the latest alpha have an informative panel that you can find in the interface option panel. Could you please check that nothing red appears there ?


OmniCC does a wonderful job, with configuration & al. I'm using it myself and I do not plan to re-implement it.

Border colors are something I could make configurable. I mainly want to avoid rule configuration (beside "on/off"), because it is awfully complex to code and cannot compete with some custom Lua handlers.