Searing Totem duration not displayed on button
Yosephus opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I can't seem to get the duration of the searing totem to display on the button. It's enabled in the options, but no time shows up on the button. Do I need to create a custom rule?
I think this might be related to this: Adirelle@6800f4e
Could you tell me what are the output of this command (just copy-paste it in the chat box) with the Searing Totem out, please ?
/run print(GetSpellInfo(3599), (select(2, GetTotemInfo(FIRE_TOTEM_SLOT))))
Negative, it seems to affect all totems. None of the durations show up on the bars.
Unfortunately, I seem to be one of the players suffering from the "Character Not Found" error, so I'm not yet able to test it. Will report back as soon as I can get in.