


Custom rule help...

Specksy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Background info: I'm playing shadow priest, I want to make it so that when my trinket procs, my power infusion spell lights up. Thats the premise of this rule... Here's what I have:

return PassiveModifier {
157217, -- Shadow Orbs
10060, -- Power Infusion
126706, -- Dps Trinket

I wasnt sure what to do. So I used shadow orbs as my passive talent (irrelevant, but I thought I needed one for the code to work), then power infusion is the spell I want to light up, and Dps trinket is the buff spell id for the trinket. Whats wrong with my code?


It looks good. Is the rule listed when you select the button in configuration mode (spell panel) ?


126705 is the proc from your trinket (that's 5 at the end, not 6). At least wowhead tells me that.


@Rainrider 126706 is the alliance version. I'm guessing the 126705 version is the horde.
@Adirelle It's in the dropdown list under the rules if thats what you mean. It -is- saved, its just not working.

Both of you were right. 126705 was the issue as well as never reloading my ui after saving a rule. You should add that to your guide if its a problem not only specific to me. Also as a suggestion, maybe create a function that runs with this same idea, but eliminate the first paramater. Something like:

Buffwatch (aura_proc_or_buff, Spell_Flash_OR_Item_flash)

I noticed you can't make a an item on your action bar light up. Using my previous example, I wanted to make my On use trinket (dragged to my actionbar) light up when my Passive trinket procs...

return PassiveModifier {
157217, -- Shadow Orbs
115154, -- On-use Trinket
126705, -- Passive Trinket

115154 is the action data id AND item data id, obtained with SpellDevInfo
Is there a solution for this?

Thank you both for the help. Really appreciate your work!


Note sure if this is closed. However, my commits fixed an issue that prevented the user rules to be properly loaded.