


Request: Change color of stacks count / Cast suggestion

Tonyleila opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Woud be nice if we coud change the color of stacks counts and Cast suggestion.
Thank you!




a5b19dc implements the stacks count color change, however this has the limitation that it won't do anything on buttons where the stock ui shows the stack counter (we don't touch default ui elements).

What do you mean by "change color of cast suggestion"?


Buffs e.g. Power Word: Fortitude have this cast suggestions where is shows the number of groupmembers that don't have the buff. I'd like to change the color of them :)


Since a5b19dc the count text color is the same as the text color for the countdown timer when above 10 seconds (it is actually above 3 seconds, it is kind of confusing). So the question is, do you want for some reason to have different colors for stacks count and countdown text?

P.S. The number of players missing the buff is represented by the stack counter.


Yes stacks count and countdown shoud have different colors, makes it more easy to see what is what. e.g. my countdown text is white -> Yellow -> Red but the stackcount shoud be blue.


This is easily doable, I will see to it later. However please keep in mind that if the stock ui counter is visible, ABA's own is hidden and we do not touch the color of the default one.