Sheilun Gift, Rules about GetSpellCharge
j3rem1e opened this issue ยท 5 comments
It's not really an issue, but I am looking for help to create a rule about the mistweaver artifact, Sheilun's Gift. The rule is simple, I want the button to flash when the charge are greater than 6.
However, I don't know the best way to write such rule : as the trigger is the amount of "GetSpellCharge", what event should I bind in order to active this kind of rule rule ? I have seen weakauras using "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED" and using *_DOSE filters, but I don't know if it's possible/performant to have a AdiButtonAuras rules with this event.
Combat log events won't do. We don't pass event arguments to the handlers so you won't be able to filter those. Also GetSpellCharges(205406) returns only nil for me regardless of how many changes the spell has. I don't know how such a rule would be possible with ABA, I'm sorry.
I that case you could try UNIT_HEALTH for the "ally" unit or UNIT_POWER for "player". They fire often enough to be close enough on the charges. I'll have to add GetSpellCount to the secure environment though.