


Ability to display both "good" and "bad" borders.

Dajova opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So i've noticed while digging through the custom user rule section that it seems to be "impossible" to be able to display both a "bad" border on a "good" border at the same time.

Would this be available in the future or just not possible to make?

2 examples would be:
Paladins Forbereance and Priests Weakened Soul.
To be able to show the "bad" alongside the "good" borders at the same time, one for the buff duration and other for the debuff duration.

I tried this as well, but doesnt seem to be possible without making some major workarounds.

edit: I noticed now that you have exactly this on Rogues Pistol Shot, although i dont see in the files how it's set up... Maybe i'm just blind.
Disregard this ticket.


Both Forbearance and Weakened Soul should be addressed as well, however as two separate rules. Because you can't apply the buff when the debuff is active, you have always a proper indicator.

"Two rules" are kind of possible through a custom rule, where you can check for two different auras and apply a different indicator or each of them - i.e. border for the one and timer for the other.

Edit: I am not sure what you mean about Pistol Shot though.


Well, as far as i know, Pistol Shot is one of the only buttons i've found that can have both a "good" border and a "bad" border at the same time (which is why i brought it up with Forbereance and Weakened Soul).

like this: image

It was something like that i would've like to make, but can't really figure out how, since they both are displayed at the same time.


Those are two different rules. ABA displays only one of the them at a time. Forbearance should be displayed on relevant spells, however it seems Weakened Soul is missing Power Word: Shield. I
ll fix that.

Forbearance rules
Another example of a double rule if you are curious


Oh ok, so it was not intended? I just noticed it that when i was playing my priet alt that it wasnt showing the debuff, indicating that the spell was still usable, while its not in fact, cause they removed the cooldown, but kept the debuff :P

Thanks for adressing it tho!

edit: and yeah, Forbereance seems to work, altho not at the same time, only afterwards. like this


Weakened Sould should be addressed by af15d1a.


The priest rule prioritises Weakened Soul over PW:S. The reason is because the debuff is shorter and more restrictive. The paladin rules are the other way around in order to emphasise the buff duration. In both cases the display is sequential.


Ah yeah, i just updated to the new version. Exactly what i was looking for :)
