


Feature Request: Support for DiabolicUI

FoxThorne opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Which version of AdiButtonAuras are you using (enter the exact version number here)?


How did you install the addon (twitch client/manually)?


If using the twitch client, what type of release did you install (alpha/beta/release)?


Which type of installation did you choose (nolib/normal)?


Feature Request: Add support for DiabolicUI

Hello, I have been trying for a few weeks to incorporate support for AdiButtonAuras into a bar addon I use called DiabolicUI.
I have confirmed from the addon author the naming scheme for the buttons is:
EngineBarXButtonY I edited the core.lua (of AdiButtonAuras) as follows:

if IsAddOnLoaded('Dominos') then
	self:ScanButtons("DominosActionButton", 120)

if IsAddOnLoaded('Bartender4') then
	self:ScanButtons("BT4Button", 120)
	self:ScanButtons("BT4PetButton", NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS)
	self:ScanButtons("BT4StanceButton", NUM_STANCE_SLOTS)

if IsAddOnLoaded('DiabolicUI') then
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button1", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button2", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button3", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button4", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button5", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button6", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button7", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button8", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button9", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button10", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button11", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar1Button12", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button1", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button2", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button3", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button4", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button5", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button6", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button7", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button8", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button9", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button10", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button11", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar2Button12", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button1", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button2", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button3", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button4", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button5", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button6", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button7", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button8", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button9", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button10", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button11", 1)
	self:ScanButtons("EngineBar3Button12", 1)

Now, I am not a programmer, so I am simply gleaning from how you supported Bartender4 and Dominos that this is the correct way to add support for DiabolicUI since we have confirmed the naming scheme of the buttons.

However, this approach doesn't work, all of my attempts thus far have failed to allow AdiButtonAuras to function with DiabolicUI.
If you could provide any insight to what I may be doing wrong, that would be great.

Here is the response I got from Goldpaw (author of DiabolicUI):

@PersonalProxy the naming scheme for standard actionbar buttons in the current live version of Diabolic is EngineBarXButtonY, where X is the bar number, Y is the button number.

However, if you are trying to attach things to it by its name, before that the buttons have tons of subframes above its framelevel. So simply attaching a texture to that frame probably won't work, it needs to be in a frame some 3-4-5 framelevels above the diabolic button or something similar, and update the framelevel when the diabolic button does.

Thanks for your time, have a pleasant day.


I'm sorry I don't think I am going to do that.