


wow client crash

mspykerez opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm almost certain that AdiButtonAuras is causing my wow client to randomly freeze while in battle. I'm playing an elemental shaman and the issue appears to be related to the storm/fire elemental spells when the talent 'Primal Elementalist' is selected in conjunction with the major essence 'Vision of Perfection (rank 3)'. AdiButtonAuras has 2 (identical?) rules when you select 'Primal Elementalist' talent, both of which are described as 'Show duration of Storm/Fire elemental', the thing is that the 1st one on the list appears to do nothing and the 2nd one that indeed shows the remaining duration of the elemental (doesn't take into account the Vision of Perfection increases on the duration btw) seems to be causing the wow client freeze when selected. I just can't figure out the exact specifics of which is causing the above mention interaction to cause the crash but I think it has something to do to the use of the elemental pet on use ability, in my case the 'Eye of the Storm' spell and the reseting of its CD when Vision of Perfection procs (if the pet is not already active).

  1. ABA has no rules taking into account any essences. ABA should have knowledge of your equipped essences through LibSpellbook-1.0 so you could build your own custom rules.
  2. The rules for elementals duration are all based on a single handler:
    local function BuildTempPetHandler(id)
    	return function(_, model)
    		local guid = UnitGUID('pet')
    		if guid and guid:match('%-' .. id .. '%-') then
    			local remaining = GetPetTimeRemaining()
    			if remaining then
    				model.expiration = GetTime() + remaining / 1000
    				model.highlight = 'good'
    so if one works I expect them all to work. If the elemental duration is wrong, then GetPetTimeRemaining() is wrong and this is a Blizzard API out of my control. Feel free to test with other elementals if you wish.
  3. Vision of Perfection has 3 essence and 26 spell matches on wowhead. The essenses tooltip say something about haste, so I don't see how it relates here and I'm definetely not going to look through the 26 spells. Use the issue template and provide specific IDs next time.
  4. If deactivating the rule does not freeze your wow client, well just deactivate the rule then? Have you tested this with ABA alone though (deactivating all other addons)?

Elemental shaman only has 3 elementals and only 1 of which can be active at a time: Earth the tank elemental, Fire and Storm the dps elementals (Storm automatically replaces Fire elemental when talent Storm Elemental is selected) and I mostly use Storm but it looks like Fire elemental also causes the issue (reminder that Fire elemental also has an on use ability that it is not auto-casted called 'Meteor'; also reminder that said elementals differ from the standard fire/storm elementals when the talent 'Prime Elementalist' is selected in a way that you see the pet bar and can manually control them, AdiButtonAuras seems to indeed trigger different rules for the standard and 'buffed' up elementals).

The Vision of Perfection essence rank 3 major as described here does indeed increase the haste (scaling with Azerite level) for 10 seconds of the owner and 2 nearby allies when it procs but to me what seems to be causing problems is the other affect associated with it which is 'Rank 1: Passive, (depending on spec). Attacks and abilities have a chance to trigger your specialization cooldown for 25% of its base duration (including some Talent and Azerite effects). & Rank 2: Duration is increased to 35% of base duration.' This proc messes with the duration of Fire Elemental or Storm Elemental(if Storm elemental is selected on the talent list) and can occur multiple times and/or increase the duration of the elemental when said elemental is already active in the first place. Note that only when the elemental is not active in the first place and the proc happens all of the elemental on use ability will have their CD reset.

I only tested with and without the Storm/Fire elemental rules enable/disabled +-Primal Elementalist talent +-Vision of Perfection rank3, and like I said with the 2nd rule on the list enabled (it's weird that when Primal Elementalist is talented
AdiButtonAuras displays 2 rules that state exactly same thing instead of just the one rule that appears when Primal Elementalist is not talented) it appears to randomly freeze the wow client sometimes and all I can see is that every time it happens my Storm ElemetaI pet bar is up. The only other addon that I deactivate for testing purposes was omnicc and all I can tell you is that with AdiButtonAuras deactivated the issue seems not to happen.


I can't reproduce your problem, I don't have an active sub and beta might have changed too much stuff to test there.

That being said it all looks as wild guessing to me. Disable other add-ons and try to repro. If you repro, disable the rule and try again. You might try the other elementals as well. This is how you pin point an issue. Everything else is just speculation and waste of time.


If you use Weak auras - DO DISABLE IT for testing, I've seen the weirdest stuff there.