


Rogue feedback

Echalote opened this issue · 4 comments



Thx so much for the update ! I can't code myself nd i have to admit i'am pretty bad with this matter. I send some feedback on rogue assassination.

Which version of AdiButtonAuras are you using (enter the exact version number here)?


How did you install the addon (twitch client/manually)?


If using the twitch client, what type of release did you install (alpha/beta/release)?


If you installed manually, where did you download the addon from?

Which type of installation did you choose (nolib/normal)?

No idea :(

If your report is about a missing or wrong spell provide the following information:

  • Your class: Rogue
  • Your spec: Assasination
  • Name of the spell (and spell id if known): Slice and Dice (spell=5171)
  • Source of the spell (core ability/talent/pvp): Core ability
  • Do you use a macro to cast the spell (post the macro if so): No

If you have an error report, copy it below:

It's not an error but since Slice and dice is up again, the bufftime on button will be great.

If your report is about a missing or wrong spell provide the following information:

  • Your class: Rogue
  • Your spec: Assasination
  • Name of the spell (and spell id if known): Kick (spell=5171)
  • Source of the spell (core ability/talent/pvp): Core ability
  • Do you use a macro to cast the spell (post the macro if so): No

If you have an error report, copy it below:

No longer glow when we have to kick.

Thx u for help,



Apart from the rogue data not being up-to-date for Shadowlands it is strange that LPS does not pick up Kick (spell id: 1766) as an interrupt.

/run local lps = LibStub('LibPlayerSpells-1.0'); print(, lps.constants.INTERRUPT) > 0);

I'll take a look later, this is rather strange.


Run local lps on wow? (sorry for being noob : /)


No longer glow when we have to kick.

This has been broken for two years ...


I won't be updating the rogue data anytime soon. Unless someone contributes to it, it will sadly stay as it is (the kick will be fixed with the next release though)