


Game Crash with Shaman 4 pc Tier set

Bharts8 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Version (*): 90200

Bug description (*):

When using 4 Pc Theurgic Starspeakers Regalia, after using either Fire elemental or Storm Elemental, moments later the game freezes and the only way out is to alt f4. I believe the issue to be that the callback in the Shaman Rules BuildTempPetHandler is not properly handling the pet time remaining due to the new interaction and can potentially get into an infinite loop. Was able to confirm that the crashing stops if I insert a limiter in the loop to only allow 'remaining' to ever go to 10 minutes, however that's a bit of a hack so probably not worth a PR in favor of something more elegant

Class and spell data:

How to reproduce:

4Pc Theurgic Starspeakers Regalia is required in order to reproduce. Once you obtain 4 pc, Upon first using Fire elemental or Storm elemental, moments later the game will freeze and the only way to exit is by alt-f4.


I don't play a shaman, so correct me if I'm wrong, but given the current mechanics it is not possible to extend the duration of the elemental indefinitely (1.5 secs duration increase per cast, with 2 charges on 8 sec recharge).

Maybe GetPetTimeRemaining() is returning something funny in those situations, idk. Maybe you could test this like outputting the value of GetPetTimeRemaining() / 1000.

Either way restricting the timer to 10 min is fine with me, so feel free to submit your fix if it fixes it for you.


My wife has had this issue as well and she really misses adibuttonauras as there's no other addon that does a similar thing. I've done a bit of coding, but I'm not familiar with LUA syntax. How would you go about setting a limit on the BuildTempPetHandler function?


@CleverChrononaut See Above PR.


I appreciate it. I'll try it out.