


Future plans

Adirelle opened this issue ยท 2 comments


There is no forum on Github, so I just leave this here, open for discussion.

User rule sharing

The rule Lua environment restriction and the user rule panel were just the beginning. I would like to allow people to easily share their custom rules:

  • with hyperlinks: one button to put an hyperlink into the chatbox. One can then hover an rule hyperlink to see some information and click to import it.
  • with opaque (base64-encoded) strings: one button would allow to export a opaque string (to share on forums, etc...), and another would allow to import such string.

The Lua environment restriction should prevent bad things to happen (like what happened with WeakAura some time ago) and imported rules would be disabled by default.

User-defined rule improvments

Right now, all rule definition are expected to return a list of rules (technically a list of maybe-nested tables containing functions). That means that user-defined rules should begin (or end) with a "return" statement. I will see if I can get ride of this requirement.

Disabling libraries

I am thinking about adding options to disable these libraries (and the associated rules), with a confirmation message : LibPlayerSpells-1.0, DRData-1.0, LibItemBuffs-1.0, LibDispellable-1.0.

LibPlayerSpells-1.0 usage improvements

I would like to automatically import class rules from LibPlayerSpells-1.0, but also to easily exclude some rules from them.

I am thinking about tracking spells related to custom rules (either built-in or user-defined) and then to automatically exclude LPS rules about them but I am not sure this would work in all cases. Maybe should it only track UNIT_AURA related rules for those these. Another solution would be a "DoNotImport" helper to manually exclude them.

Any thoughts ?


The rule sharing is probably useful to users.

I don't see how the other changes you mention would really improve an end users experience.


Well, this is related to user-rules:

  • not requiring to return a (list of) rule(s) just make writing user rules easier,
  • optionally disabling libraries could help avoiding mixing user rulew with built-in ones,
  • automatically disabling "built-in" rules could help if the user wanted her rules to override the default ones.