


Shaman Ascendance map to modified spell breaks aura display

dafzor opened this issue ยท 5 comments


The following code:

-- Map aura to modified spell(s)
[114050] = { 114074, 51505 }, -- Ascendance (Elemental): Chain Lightning, Lava Burst
[114051] = 17364, -- Ascendance (Enhancement): Stormstrike
[114052] = { 61295, 73920, 1064, 8004, 77472, 331 }, -- Ascendance (Restoration): Riptide, Healing Rain, Chain Heal, Healing Surge, Greater Healing Wave, Healing Wave

Breaks display of aura cd for shaman's ascendance. Putting it here since i can't see anything obviously wrong in the libplayerspell file.


It's a cd, the id's are all correct afaik (so much i just commented the lines i quoted out and fixed the issue). The only "special" thing about it is it doesn't start it's cd until it's duration ends, this makes it look like nothing happened when you press it if adiButtonAuras isn't enabled.


Is Ascendance an active spell ? If it did, did it have different ids (in the actionbar) depending on the spec ?


Any news there ?


Let me get it right: during Ascendance, the modified spells are highlighted but not Ascendance itself ? This is caused by filling the providers and modifiers maps. By default, a spell is considered to be provided by itself and to modify itself. When filling the maps, these defaults are ignored. If you want to the original spell to be still highlighted, you have to list it with the modified spells as well.

By the way, would it not be better to "suggest" (i.e. show the "hint" sparkle) to use the buffed spells instead of highlighted them ? (using a specific ABA rule.)


Closing because of lack of feedback. Please re-open if there is something to add.