


Buff duration font not applying

2ndHouse opened this issue ยท 8 comments


The font I set in the settings is not applying to some buttons. So far, it seems that totem duration and buffs on myself duration are showing the default font incorrectly. Debuffs I cast on enemies, like Flame Shock seem to be displaying correctly however.


Are you using Masque ?


Nope, just Omnicc and tektickles. As I said, some buttons display correctly, but those that show short term buff durations or the number the buff will effect (like BloodLust) seem to defauly back to whatever the AdiButtons default is.


Here are a couple of screenshots showing the problem:


Omnicc is on top, AdiButtons on bottom. You can see they are using different fonts in the first screenshot even though both addons are set to use the same font.

The second screenshot shows how some of the buttons display correctly and some don't. My flameshock, unleash life, and riptide seem to show the correct font. The number "10" on my Bloodlust though is a different incorrect font, you can tell the differences between the number 1's on the various buttons.


It seems to only be some of the buff durations like the "10" for my Bloodlust in the second picture. Both of the "18 1" durations seem to display correctly. I have also noticed the number that indicates how many people the buff will effect shows the incorrect font (such as "25" in a 25 man raid on Bloodlust for example).


@2ndHouse Does the latest version fix this ? (available there:


No, that version did not fix the problem. If anything, it seems like more of the buttons are now using the incorrect font. I won't be able to test any more as my WoW supbscription has ended and I don't plan to renew right now.


I am also having this problem.

It is fixed relative to the latest release (1.8.3-10-gb663906) by ignoring the first argument of the LSM callbacks:

LSM.RegisterCallback(self, "LibSharedMedia_SetGlobal", function(ignore, ...) self:OnMediaUpdate(...) end)
LSM.RegisterCallback(self, "LibSharedMedia_Registered", function(ignore, ...) self:OnMediaUpdate(...) end)
