


9.5.8-alpha-1 国服9.15有2个报错

Humwq opened this issue · 9 comments


5x FreeUI\modules\map\minimap.lua:699: attempt to index field 'backdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua"]:699: in function UpdateMinimapScale' [string "@FreeUI\modules\map\minimap.lua"]:728: in function GetMinimapShape'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:126: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:121>
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:275: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:216>
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:321: in function `Register'
[string "@BugSack\ldb.lua"]:62: in function <BugSack\ldb.lua:58>

self =

Minimap_OnMouseWheel = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:647
CreateZoneText = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:525
CreateMailButton = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:341
CreateCalendar = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:352
CreateGarrisonButton = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:505
WhoPings = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:600
MouseFunc = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:669
Minimap_OnMouseUp = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:655
UpdateDifficultyFlag = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:410
CreateQueueStatusButton = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:563
OnLogin = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:734
HideInCombat = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:705
name = "Minimap"
UpdateMinimapScale = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:696
SetupHybridMinimap = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:682
HybridMinimapOnLoad = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:675
ReskinMinimap = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:282
CreateDifficultyFlag = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:485
scale = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'backdrop' (a nil value)"
C =
LineString = "|cff7f7f7f---------------"
Assets =
IsRetail = true
MyName = "Dthird"
Frames =
CharacterSettings =
TexCoord =
PartyPetFlags = 4370
MyRealm = "灰谷"
IsInMyGroup = defined @freeui\core\constants.lua:253
GreenColor = "|cff20ff20"
NPShowPowerUnitsList =
YellowColor = "|cffffff00"
ServerID = 954
RaidPetFlags = 4372
MyGuid = "Player-954-04E8E604"
ClassColors =
MyFaction = "联盟"
QualityColors =
RedColor = "|cffff2020"
WhiteColor = "|cffffffff"
AccountSettings =
IsNewPatch = false
IsHighRes = false
MyClass = "DRUID"
OrangeColor = "|cffff7f3f"
ClassList =
PartyBuffsList =
BadBoys =
Themes =
Mult = 1
MaxLevel = 60
ColoredAddonName = "|cffe67e22F|cffe67e22r|cffe67e22e|cffeb984ee|cfff5cba7U|cffffffffI"
TrashUnits =
NPMajorSpellsList =
MyColor = "|cffe67e21"
BlizzThemes =
MyRace = "NightElf"
MyLevel = 60
AuraWhiteList =
GreyColor = "|cff7f7f7f"
IsMyPet = defined @freeui\core\constants.lua:247
IsDeveloper = false
AddonThemes =
BloodlustList =
PartySpellsList =
DB =
b = 0.133333
g = 0.494118
UIGap = 33
InfoColor = "|cffe9c55d"
r = 0.901961
PartyDebuffsBlackList =
PartySpellsDB =
TalentCDFixList =
AuraBlackList =
MyRole = "Caster"
ScreenWidth = 1920
IsLowRes = false
ShowTargetNPCs =
CornerSpellsList =
BlueColor = "|cff82c5ff"
AddonName = "FreeUI"
MyGUID = "Player-954-04E8E604"
NPSpecialUnitsList =
AssetsPath = "FreeUI\assets"
AddonVersion = "9.5.8-alpha-1"
ScreenHeight = 1200
IsMedRes = true
AnnounceableSpellsList =
MyFullName = "Dthird-灰谷"
PurpleColor = "|cffa571df"
map = Minimap {
0 =
timer = 0


core\constants.lua 这个文件的127行


64x FreeUI\modules\misc\friends-list.lua:212: attempt to call method 'Point' (a nil value)
[string "@freeui\modules\misc\friends-list.lua"]:212: in function <FreeUI\modules\misc\friends-list.lua:78>
[string "=[C]"]: in function FriendsFrame_UpdateFriendButton' [string "@FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua"]:1282: in function <FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:1265> [string "=[C]"]: in function FriendsFrame_UpdateFriends'
[string "@FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua"]:650: in function FriendsList_Update' [string "@FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua"]:1261: in function FriendsFrame_CheckBattlenetStatus'
[string "@FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua"]:941: in function `FriendsFrame_OnEvent'
[string ":OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string ":OnEvent"]:1>

button = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1 {
0 =
OnEnter = defined @FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:1891
index = 1
buttonType = 2
travelPassButton = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1TravelPassButton {
status = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1Status {
background = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1Background {
OnClick = defined @FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:2072
OnLoad = defined @FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:1879
id = 1
OnLeave = defined @FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:2067
highlight = {
name = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1Name {
bg = {
summonButton = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1SummonButton {
info = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1Info {
Favorite = {
gameIcon = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1GameIcon {
game = ""
realID = "|Kq33|k"
name = nil
server = nil
class = nil
area = nil
level = nil
status = "Offline"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = {
0 =
(*temporary) = "LEFT"
(*temporary) = FriendsListFrameScrollFrameButton1Name {
0 =
(*temporary) = "LEFT"
(*temporary) = 40.000004
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'Point' (a nil value)"
statusIcons =

DND = "FriendsFrame\StatusIcon-DnD"
Online = "FriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Online"
Offline = "FriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Offline"
AFK = "FriendsFrame\StatusIcon-Away"
F =
GetScreenQuadrant = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:211
CreateGlowFrame = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:645
ReskinDropDown = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:1239
Minimap =
modules =
CancelTimer = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:147
SecureHook = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:336
Theme =
ScanTip = FreeUI_ScanTooltip {
SpeedAnimationGroup = defined @freeui\core\animation.lua:672
CopyTable = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:299
SetDefaultModulePrototype = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:409
MultiCheck = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:14
ReskinNavBar = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:1378
IsEnabled = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:451
InspectItemInfo = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:2427
ScheduleTimer = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:94
CreateColorSwatch = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:2027
RegisterModule = defined @freeui\init.lua:160
CreateAndUpdateBarTicks = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:1808
RegisterMessage = defined @BugSack\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
UnregisterMessage = defined @BugSack\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
UnitColor = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:413
Dummy = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:10
WaitFrame = FreeUI_WaitFrame {
FramesOverlap = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:189
ShortenString = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:558
SetEnabledState = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:424
Hook = defined @freeui\libs\Ace3\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:274
HelpInfoAcknowledge = defined @freeui\core\functions.lua:6
FlashLoopFinished = defined @freeui\core


\modules\blizzard\fonts.lua 里,没有以前的设置项了


5x FreeUI\modules\map\minimap.lua:699: attempt to index field 'backdrop' (a nil value) [string "@freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua"]:699: in function UpdateMinimapScale' [string "@FreeUI\modules\map\minimap.lua"]:728: in function GetMinimapShape' [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:126: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:121> [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:275: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:216> [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:321: in function `Register' [string "@BugSack\ldb.lua"]:62: in function <BugSack\ldb.lua:58>

Locals: self =

Minimap_OnMouseWheel = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:647
CreateZoneText = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:525
CreateMailButton = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:341
CreateCalendar = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:352
CreateGarrisonButton = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:505
WhoPings = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:600
MouseFunc = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:669
Minimap_OnMouseUp = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:655
UpdateDifficultyFlag = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:410
CreateQueueStatusButton = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:563
OnLogin = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:734
HideInCombat = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:705
name = "Minimap"
UpdateMinimapScale = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:696
SetupHybridMinimap = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:682
HybridMinimapOnLoad = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:675
ReskinMinimap = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:282
CreateDifficultyFlag = defined @freeui\modules\map\minimap.lua:485
scale = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'backdrop' (a nil value)"
C =
LineString = "|cff7f7f7f---------------"
Assets =
IsRetail = true
MyName = "Dthird"
Frames =
CharacterSettings =
TexCoord =
PartyPetFlags = 4370
MyRealm = "灰谷"
IsInMyGroup = defined @freeui\core\constants.lua:253
GreenColor = "|cff20ff20"
NPShowPowerUnitsList =
YellowColor = "|cffffff00"
ServerID = 954
RaidPetFlags = 4372
MyGuid = "Player-954-04E8E604"
ClassColors =
MyFaction = "联盟"
QualityColors =
RedColor = "|cffff2020"
WhiteColor = "|cffffffff"
AccountSettings =
IsNewPatch = false
IsHighRes = false
MyClass = "DRUID"
OrangeColor = "|cffff7f3f"
ClassList =
PartyBuffsList =
BadBoys =
Themes =
Mult = 1
MaxLevel = 60
ColoredAddonName = "|cffe67e22F|cffe67e22r|cffe67e22e|cffeb984ee|cfff5cba7U|cffffffffI"
TrashUnits =
NPMajorSpellsList =
MyColor = "|cffe67e21"
BlizzThemes =
MyRace = "NightElf"
MyLevel = 60
AuraWhiteList =
GreyColor = "|cff7f7f7f"
IsMyPet = defined @freeui\core\constants.lua:247
IsDeveloper = false
AddonThemes =
BloodlustList =
PartySpellsList =
DB =
b = 0.133333
g = 0.494118
UIGap = 33
InfoColor = "|cffe9c55d"
r = 0.901961
PartyDebuffsBlackList =
PartySpellsDB =
TalentCDFixList =
AuraBlackList =
MyRole = "Caster"
ScreenWidth = 1920
IsLowRes = false
ShowTargetNPCs =
CornerSpellsList =
BlueColor = "|cff82c5ff"
AddonName = "FreeUI"
MyGUID = "Player-954-04E8E604"
NPSpecialUnitsList =
AssetsPath = "FreeUI\assets"
AddonVersion = "9.5.8-alpha-1"
ScreenHeight = 1200
IsMedRes = true
AnnounceableSpellsList =
MyFullName = "Dthird-灰谷"
PurpleColor = "|cffa571df"
map = Minimap {
0 =
timer = 0



就打开游戏 进去就有
清除错误后 /RL 也有 这2个错误很固定

我试了下 只加载FreeUI和错误收集的插件(BugSack+!BugGrabber) 也是一样结果
Interface下 还有个图标美化的CleanIcons-MechagnomeEdition- 这个应该不影响吧


8x FreeUI\modules\misc\friends-list.lua:212: attempt to call method 'Point' (a nil value)

小地图那个站街不动的情况下 暂时没再出现。虫洞传送 过地图读条 回城都没再现。
但是重新进游戏和/RL 2个错误就固定出现了


好友那个错误 我看它在刷一个好友的名字。。。 是因为他是亲密好友嘛?

还真是 我移除了亲密好友 开关O键 就没刷了。。。。亲密好友在线 应该就会刷这个错误
战网好友上线提示 我看见又刷了


9.5.8-alpha-2 修复了这两个报错。

