


Skinning error w/ new version

jabramek opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Window skins (talents/pet journal, etc) are at default atm.

1x ...FreeUI\scripts\themeBlizzard_Collections-1.0.lua:172: attempt to call field 'ReskinTooltip' (a nil value)
...FreeUI\scripts\themeBlizzard_Collections-1.0.lua:172: in function `addonModule'
FreeUI\scripts\theme\Core.lua:23: in function <FreeUI\scripts\theme\Core.lua:17>
[C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:449: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:615: in function `CollectionsJournal_LoadUI'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:955: in function `SetCollectionsJournalShown'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:949: in function `ToggleCollectionsJournal'
[string "TOGGLECOLLECTIONS"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLECOLLECTIONS"]:1>

r = 0
g = 1
b = 0.590000
PetJournal = PetJournal {
 0 = <userdata>
 LeftInset = PetJournalLeftInset {
 searchBox = PetJournalSearchBox {
 loadoutBorder = PetJournalLoadoutBorder {
 listScroll = PetJournalListScrollFrame {
 SpellSelect = PetJournalSpellSelect {
 RightInset = PetJournalRightInset {
 SummonButton = PetJournalSummonButton {
 PetCard = PetJournalPetCard {
 AchievementStatus = PetJournalAchievementStatus {
 PetCount = <unnamed> {
 Loadout = PetJournalLoadout {
 SummonRandomFavoritePetButton = PetJournalSummonRandomFavoritePetButton {
 MainHelpButton = PetJournalTutorialButton {
 petOptionsMenu = PetJournalPetOptionsMenu {
 PetCardInset = PetJournalPetCardInset {
 HealPetButton = PetJournalHealPetButton {
 FindBattleButton = PetJournalFindBattle {
MountJournal = MountJournal {
 0 = <userdata>
 MountDisplay = <unnamed> {
 searchBox = MountJournalSearchBox {
 SummonRandomFavoriteButton = MountJournalSummonRandomFavoriteButton {
 MountCount = <unnamed> {
 mountOptionsMenu = MountJournalMountOptionsMenu {
 RightInset = <unnamed> {
 ListScrollFrame = MountJournalListScrollFrame {
 MountButton = MountJournalMountButton {
 LeftInset = <unnamed> {
scrollFrames = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
updateMountScroll = <function> defined @FreeUI\scripts\themeBlizzard_Collections.lua:97
updatePetScroll = <function> defined @FreeUI\scripts\themeBlizzard_Collections.lua:124
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = PetJournalPrimaryAbilityTooltip {
 0 = <userdata>
 Description = <unnamed> {
 BorderBottomLeft = <unnamed> {
 Duration = <unnamed> {
 Delimiter1 = <unnamed> {
 weakAgainstTextures = <table> {
 CurrentCooldown = <unnamed> {
 StrongAgainstLabel = <unnamed> {
 strongAgainstTextures = <table> {
 BorderRight = <unnamed> {
 Background = <unnamed> {
 StrongAgainstType1 = <unnamed> {
 Delimiter2 = <unnamed> {
 WeakAgainstType1 = <unnamed> {
 BorderTop = <unnamed> {
 StrongAgainstType1Label = <unnamed> {
 BorderTopLeft = <unnamed> {
 BorderTopRight = <unnamed> {
 BorderLeft = <unnamed> {
 WeakAgainstIcon = <unnamed> {
 MaxCooldown = <unnamed> {
 WeakAgainstLabel = <unnamed> {
 StrongAgainstIcon = <unnamed> {
 Name = <unnamed> {
 AbilityPetType = <unnamed> {
 AdditionalText = <unnamed> {
 BorderBottom = <unnamed> {
 BorderBottomRight = <unnamed> {
 WeakAgainstType1Label = <unnamed> {
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'ReskinTooltip' (a nil value)"
C = <table> {
 LineString = "|cff808080---------------"
 general = <table> {
 b = 0.590000
 RightButton = " |TTUTORIALFRAME\UI-TUTORIAL-FRAME:13:11:0:-1:512:512:12:66:333:411|t "
 reactioncolours = <table> {
 TexCoord = <table> {
 Mult = 1.001565
 aura = <table> {
 Client = "enUS"
 Realm = "Proudmoore"
 map = <table> {
 GreenColor = "|cff3a9d36"
 appearance = <table> {
 LeftButton = " |TTUTORIALFRAME\UI-TUTORIAL-FRAME:13:11:0:-1:512:512:12:66:230:307|t "
 tooltip = <table> {
 MyColor = "|cff00ff96"
 font = <table> {
 ClassColors = <table> {
 GreyColor = "|cff808080"
 RedColor = "|cffff2735"
 media = <table> {
 Class = "MONK"
 chat = <table> {
 notification = <table> {
 InfoColor = "|cffe5d19f"
 automation = <table> {
 MiddleButton = " |TTUTORIALFRAME\UI-TUTORIAL-FRAME:13:11:0:-1:512:512:12:66:127:204|t "
 PlayerRole = "Healer"
 themes = <table> {
 options = <table> {
 inventory = <table> {
 unitframe = <table> {
 r = 0
 classmod = <table> {
 g = 1
 Support = "BfA"
 Title = "|cffffffffFree|r|cff9c84efUI|r"
 ClassList = <table> {
 actionbar = <table> {
 infobar = <table> {
 Version = "80100.02"
 Name = "Ihme"
F = <table> {
 CreateBG = <function> defined @FreeUI\core\api.lua:127
 AddTooltip = <function> defined @FreeUI\core\api.lua:839
 AuraIcon = <function> defined @FreeUI\core\api.lua:936
 ReskinDropDown = <functio
