Error upon opening world map (Retail build using v0.42.10 dated 8/14/2024)
schwanzLutschen opened this issue ยท 6 comments
116x AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua:556: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it]: attempted from: Texture:SetPoint.
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua"]:556: in function <AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua:548> [string "@AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua"]:586: in function <AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua:584> [string "@AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua"]:1100: in function <AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua:979> [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/QuestMapFrame.lua"]:869: in function `QuestMapFrame_UpdateAll'
[string "@Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/QuestMapFrame.lua"]:507: in function <...ns/Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/QuestMapFrame.lua:474>
[string "@Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/QuestMapFrame.lua"]:518: in function <...ns/Blizzard_UIPanels_Game/Mainline/QuestMapFrame.lua:515>
(*temporary) = Texture {
(*temporary) = "TOP"
(*temporary) = FontString {
(*temporary) = "CENTER"
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 8
fyi, after making the addon_metadata and isaddonloaded changes in the previous release .42.9, this error does not appear
Okay, so the error doesn't show anymore?
i was kind of confusing, i had updated to the same version as the OP, (.42.10) and i got the same error, since I didnt remember getting it prior to updating from version .42.9, i reinstalled 42.09 and made the changes above( and no other changes , just those 2 deprecated calls)and no longer got the error, however I did get another one, that was likely one you fixed funny enough,lol. Ill edit this post an add it
9x AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua:1259: hooksecurefunc(): OnSelection is not a function
[string "=[C]"]: in function hooksecurefunc' [string "@AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua"]:1259: in function
[string "@AngrierWorldQuests/Core.lua"]:63: in function RegisterAddOnLoaded' [string "@AngrierWorldQuests/Core.lua"]:102: in function
[string "@AngrierWorldQuests/QuestFrame.lua"]:1285: in function ?' [string "@AngrierWorldQuests/Core.lua"]:122: in function
[string "@AngrierWorldQuests/Core.lua"]:130: in function `?'
[string "@AngrierWorldQuests/Core.lua"]:10: in function <AngrierWorldQuests/Core.lua:6>
Which seems to be the issue you addressed in another post and you made the temp fix in 42.10, so you are already aware, im sorry about that.