Announce Rare

Announce Rare


1.1.4 reporting not working.

LordDeimos666 opened this issue · 22 comments


This commit 7712427 broke somewhat the report function.

Giving me this output:

2x SendChatMessage(): Channel send missing channel number [C]: ? [C]: in function SendChatMessage'
...ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\AceComm-3.0-12\ChatThrottleLib-24.nil.lua:434: in function SendChatMessage' AnnounceRare\AnnounceRare-1.1.4.lua:102: in function <AnnounceRare\AnnounceRare.lua:95> AnnounceRare\AnnounceRare-1.1.4.lua:138: in function ?'
...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua:119: in function <...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:119>
[C]: ?
...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua:29: in function <...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:25>
...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua:64: in function Fire' ...s\ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-4.lua:120: in function <...s\ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119> [C]: in function TargetNearestEnemy'
[string "TARGETNEARESTENEMY"]:2: in function <[string "TARGETNEARESTENEMY"]:1>`


What channel number is your General channel? To talk in it what do you use? /1 /2 ?


Also, what did you set the output to?


I, also, am no longer getting any sort of announcement with 1.1.4.

  • My general chat is /1
  • Output is set to General. I even tried setting it to Guild then back to General; neither worked, either.
  • Possibly relevant: I am also using ElvUI. But like I said, General chat is (and has been) /1 for me.

I have a theory as to what it could be. Could you run "/rare output general" in game and then test it.


/rare output general returns:

AR: Changed output to GENERAL!


Does it announce rates correctly?


It announces nothing under 1.1.4.

1.1.3, in contrast, announced rares, deaths, etc., just fine.


I, also, am no longer getting any sort of announcement with 1.1.4.

* My general chat is `/1`

* Output is set to `General`. I even tried setting it to Guild then back to General; neither worked, either.

* Possibly relevant: I am also using ElvUI. But like I said, General chat is (and has been) /1 for me.

Same as him.


It must have to do with how it has to search for general chat. My guess is you don't use en-US client? It looks for "general" in the chat name, so if it is different in your native client language, then it will fail every time. For 1.1.5 I am going to set it back to send it to channel 1 until I can figure out a better way to determine the general channel. Look for an update here in the next couple of minutes.


I'm using the European English (guessing that would be en-GB) Client and had the same issue


It must have to do with how it has to search for general chat. My guess is you don't use en-US client?

I downloaded but haven't played with 1.1.5 yet, but just for troubleshooting: I am using the en-US client.


I have a similar issue but it ONLY effects manually triggered /rare calls. If I turn on the automatics it works fine. For manual calls, it fails irrespective of which channel I point it at.


I have a similar issue but it ONLY effects manually triggered /rare calls. If I turn on the automatics it works fine. For manual calls, it fails irrespective of which channel I point it at.

1.1.5 same problem might be the same as i Use the macro /rare command, but that is my config printout:
2019-07-10 15_06_54-Window


Okay, I think I have written a rather non-elegant, and frankly janky way to fix these non-reporting issues, but I am unable to test them since I am at work. In a moment I am going to push 1.1.6-beta to Curse, if someone can download it (may have to get it manually from Curse/Twitch) and give it a go.

I was able to login to the game to check for any immediate errors, but not able to actually able to check if it works correctly.


I'm using the European English (guessing that would be en-GB) Client and had the same issue

Same, en-GB client and the channel is number 1 and called "General" (case sensitive maybe?)


1.1.6 beta still same problem, working with auto mode enabled, using /rare doens't.


Okay last time, try 1.1.6-beta2 that I just pushed to Curse/Twitch. It basically has the announcements done as a "catch all" for the chat command. I think that's why it wasn't doing anything when you entered the /rare command. At least the automatic announcements are working again. Let me know about the chat command and I'll release the final version.


I had literally to fly for 1 hour before finding a proper rare damn... And now it's ok, working as intended.


Working great for me again too. Love your work :)


1.1.6 (release) appears to have returned almost all of the announcing functionality. Thanks!

One issue I'm seeing is that I can no longer manually call /rare on a mob more than once.

My use-case for that has been to do one /rare call when I arrive at an unengaged mob, then do a second one when the mob is actually engaged. Kind of a "come here!" and "better hurry!" pairing.


Do you want me to submit the double-/rare no longer working thing as a new issue? Or are you considering it not a bug?


Nah, it is working as intended but I have changed it to where you can do it once again.