Item Disappears during Snipe, but it still available

joelgriffiths opened this issue · 3 comments


While Sniping, I've noticed an Item dings, but then it often disappears from the snipe page before I can click on it (even when the page doesn't change). When I rewind, the item shows up again (then disappears unless I'm quick). I would love to be able to automatically pause updates any time I get a ding (10-20 seconds - possibly configurable), or have it not clear the item unless it gets removed from, or gets pushed past the last page.

PS. Thank you for this. I was losing my mind losing auctions with TSM because it would reload the item after I clicked on it and before I could buy it.


I was wondering about that. Does that adjust the rescan time for every scan or does it only adjust the rescan time if there is something returned in the list? I love the short rescan time, and wouldn’t want to change that unless an item was found.

I am curious why the item disappears on the rescan though. When I do a reverse scan, I can usually snipe the item. Hopefully it’s not sniping a different item with the wrong price.