Aiue's Quest Tracker (AQT)

Aiue's Quest Tracker (AQT)


a few function suggestions

zwcol opened this issue ยท 13 comments

  • click to open the questlog and show the details, and support some popular addons like Classic Quest Log, QuestLogEx etc

  • drag to move the frame (on the tile or some handle)

  • sound when a single objective is changed

  • current zone highlight with bg color

  • automatically fold non current zones

  • click to open the questlog and show the details,

Planned. Looking at having an early version of this in by next week.

and support some popular addons like Classic Quest Log, QuestLogEx etc

Haven't tried those yet, but will take a look at it. But just for clarity, what do you envision this support would entail?

  • drag to move the frame (on the tile or some handle)

Planned. I'd put this at next week as well.

  • sound when a single objective is changed

I considered it, but then opted out of it. Then reconsidered it, then opted out of it again. I'l rereconsider it and put it in.

  • current zone highlight with bg color

Certainly doable.

  • automatically fold non current zones

Already in. Check General/General/Headers: Automated Collapse/Expand.

  • Clickable quests.
  • Support for other addons?
  • Unlockable frame for dragging.
  • Objective progress sound.
  • Highlight current zone.

and support some popular addons like Classic Quest Log, QuestLogEx etc

Here I mean if QuestLogEx is installed, and when we click the quest tracker, it can open the QuestLogEx frame instead of the built-in QuestLog frame.

Thanks for the response and great work on this addon!


That makes sense, and assuming they have something occupying the global namespace that I can hook into, should certainly be doable.

I'll be out of time for the weekend, but will take a look at it once I get back home.

Meanwhile, I'll be pushing a few minor updates here that may or may not work. I expect I'll have a lot of code fixes to do when I get back home, but I guess such are the perils of coding on the train using an old netbook.


I should also note that I have been planning on eventually writing my own questlog replacement to go with this. But support for other options is a good intermediary step that should be included regardless.


I should also note that I have been planning on eventually writing my own questlog replacement to go with this. But support for other options is a good intermediary step that should be included regardless.

Good to know that. And It might be better if users can choose from the addon's built-in questlog, blizzard default questlog or their other 3-party choices.


I'll just add a note to myself here as well, since it's very much related to clickable quests: clicking the failure indicator should, if mouse is enabled, serve as a shortcut to abandoning the quest.

More shortcuts to consider would be using modified clicks to untrack (once manual tracking is in)/share, and potentially some other relevant thing.

And in case I write a retail version at some point, using the completion indicator as a shortcut for remote handins would be useful.


Or you can consider leaving left-click to always open the questlog and using right-click to display a small context menu which provides other functions like untracking, abandoning, group sharing(if sharable), linking to wowhead, and etc?

And normally players use shift-left click to link things to the chats window when the text edit control is open. Do you have any plan to add such a function to this addon?


Yes! I had even considered implementing my own way of linking quests. I'll have to do a tiny bit of research to see if it is at all viable, though.

A context menu makes sense as well, depending on the amount of options available, since modified click is limited to but a few options.


Objective sound and current zone highligting is now fully functional. Dragging is behaving a bit.. strangely. Need to investigate a bit and adjust behaviour. The rest should be coming soon.


Thanks for update. However the new version (downloaded from curseforge and overriding the installed addon folder), it gives errors:



Well, that's embarrassing. I'll push a fix in a few minutes. Then I need to figure out why that behaves like that.


There we go! If you happen across any other addons that it might make support, lemme know. I'll create a dedicated ticket for those. Closing this.