Aiue's Quest Tracker (AQT)

Aiue's Quest Tracker (AQT)


Extra art frame sizing options

dalesnail opened this issue ยท 6 comments


To preface, I understand that this is one option that will take a backseat to other more pressing issues, considering this was an option I randomly asked for ;)

  • Hoping we could get "Scale" slider to compliment the current sizing options.

    • Points to consider:
      • Estimating the pixel range to keep the aspect ratio is tough at times. I've found, that I can't just reduce and increase by a flat amount on both Y and X and reliably keep that ratio.
      • This is seperate but not by much to the Zoom level, in that it is not tied to the borders of the original image dimensions.
      • Alternatively I think this could be set up in a similar fashion to the Zoom level, with a checkbox that keeps the original ARatio, right beside the X and Y. This could also technically be a solution to the next request.
  • So one thing that has thrown me off a bit, and I've had to compensate for is Swapping images for the art option, and resizing it back to it's original dimensions.

    • I've been referring back to the original image in windows to resize accordingly, but if it's possible I think that having the image dimensions, and aspect ration snap back to what they are on the original image would be a big QoL improvement. At the moment, the size setting for images stays constant, so swapping between art for previewing is a bit cumbersome at times.
      • As a note, I'm unsure if this would conflict with the scale option I presented, as keeping the scale setting, but changing back the X and Y seems like it could potentially cause problems.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the addon, I've been loving it! Glad you got donations up, gonna send over a bit when I get paid this week :)


Scale would be ridiculously easy to implement. Makes me wonder why I didn't right away. Might want to consider it for the main tracker as well.


Might need some extra work. Potentially a checkbox to either use scale or width/height. But that would interfere with the the ability to manually stretch it, so probably something to opt out of.


Not sure whether I managed to include the functionality I wanted with the simple scale slider or not.


I do like the scaling option, very handy, thank you!

Only thing I might add if possible, is an extension of scale over 100%, maybe to 200%


I see you added this already, and I can confirm that it's working well!


Yup! Not sure if this issue has anything left for me to add. But yeah, most range sliders will now accept manual input of numbers outside their range.