Aiue's Quest Tracker (AQT)

Aiue's Quest Tracker (AQT)


Suggestion : Show quest tags by quest type

chkmyid opened this issue ยท 6 comments


In the Korean client, next to the quest level, the quest type is displayed as "?" for dungeon, elite, raid, and legendary quest.

[52?] Quest title

I would like to add the customize option so that users can specify by quest type.


Elite quests and Dungeon quests = "+"
Raid quests and Legendary quests = "++"


Dungeon quests = "D",
Elite quests = "+",
Raid quests = "R",
Legendary quests = "++",

which work with other trackers.
What do you think of this?


Oh. This is probably why SendChatMessage failed as well. The lua string library probably can't handle utf8 well.

I'll see if I can compare the tag against global strings and provide special handling for clients not primarily using the latin alphabet.


I'll make sure to tag a commit including this change later today, I'll just give it a wee bit of time to see if there's anything else I'll want to include first.


These issues are the same for Korean(koKR), Chinese(zhCN, zhTW) and Russian(ruRU) clients.


I didn't do enough testing because it was time to go to sleep. But if I check it out for a moment, it's normal.



I suspected as much. I'm going to push a tag with the fix, and leave this open for now, as a reminder to myself that countertext = have:sub(1,1) .. "/" .. need:sub(1,1) needs to be fixed as well.


Forgot to mention the issue, but cb7fb16 closes this.