ArcHUD3 Classic

ArcHUD3 Classic


ArcHUD3 aesthetic issue #99

nyyr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Dazaned created this issue Dec 20, 2017

Am having trouble finding the settings to disable the numerical output for health, health % , mana and mana % that are displayed in between the arcs. i am trying to reduce down to JUST the health and mana arc with the cast arc also and these numbers are the last thing. i imagine its a setting i have probably overlooked a million times but if somone could specifically tell me whee the setting is it would be VERY much appreciated ^.^ !!!!!!


Dazaned posted a comment Jan 5, 2018

you are a bloody legend thank you very much my friend, clearly read past it a milion times. much appreciated!!!!!!!!


Dazaned posted a comment Jan 5, 2018

p.s its because i was in basic settings not the modules


Seems you found the option ;-)