ArcHUD3 Classic

ArcHUD3 Classic


ArcHUD3-Classic Taints global API function UnitAura

DDCorkum opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue: ArcHud3 overwrites the global API function UnitAura at line 11 of Interface\AddOns\ArcHUD3-classic\Rings\CustomBuff.lua, making it impossible to right-click on a buff during combat (which normally should remove it) and causing mayhem for other addons with secure unit frames.

Background: This section of code appears intended to wrap UnitAura() during classic, possibly to accomodate the ratail/classic differences. However, it ovewrites the global rather than a local instance. There is an easy fix at the bottom of this post.

Steps to Reproduce: Enter combat, and right click on a buff. Notice that it won't go away.

Workaround: There is no workaround for the loss of right-clicking on buffs, because that feature requires a taint-free (ie, properly functioning) UnitAura() global. Meanwhile, other competing addons must offer insecure alternatives that can provide "view only" information without the convenience of intractability during combat.

Problematic Source Code:
if ArcHUD.classic then
LibClassicDurations = LibStub("LibClassicDurations", true)
UnitAura = LibClassicDurations.UnitAuraWrapper

Recommendation: I believe you were only intending to overwrite UnitAura during this single file, so you can fix the problem with the following:

local UnitAura = UnitAura;
if ArcHUD.classic then
LibClassicDurations = LibStub("LibClassicDurations", true)
UnitAura = LibClassicDurations.UnitAuraWrapper

This will make UnitAura a local variable that refers to the global one on retail, or to the custom wrapper on classic. The scope will only affect this single file. I have already concluded that this solves the problem with Blizzard default frames, and also at least one other popular addon.


Upon further investigation, this single line of code solves two issues. I have linked #44 to this one.


I just realized: this is Git, I can make the change for you. I've created a fork and added the correction to the file. It is now waiting for your approval in the Pull Requests queue


Oops, thanks a lot