Custom debuff not showing automatically #73

nyyr opened this issue ยท 4 comments


BlossomPone created this issue Dec 9, 2014

There is a problem with refreshing custom debuffs on the target, as the arc will not refresh or show automatically. For instance, on my Rogue, i set up a rupture debuff, and attempted to use it. When it did not show up, i would swap targets, then go back to the ruptured target, and only then would the arc refresh.

I did a bit of tinkering around, and i fixed the problem by hooking the targetupdate function into a player spell cast function, however this is likely extremely inefficient (i dont make addons myself, and i just wanted to hotfix the problem before it could be fixed officially).


nyyr posted a comment Dec 10, 2014
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Thanks for the report. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it with other target-debuffs such as Feral's Rake which work w/o issues. The update should be triggered by the UNIT_AURA event.

Can you test it also with other debuffs? I have to check if my rogue already has that spell.


BlossomPone posted a comment Dec 16, 2014

@nyyr: Go

I actually came back here to say exactly this. If the arc is created, it will not refresh naturally until the character is re-logged into!


BlossomPone posted a comment Dec 14, 2014

Hmm.. This is rather baffling, When i first installed the addon, this bug occurred. it would only refresh my rupture whenever i swapped targets. I also had this problem on my death knight with frost fever and blood plague as well, but my 'fix' didnt fix that. But now that i go to re-test this, i have removed the code i added, and rupture, along with my DK's diseases, work like a charm.

Not sure what happened, but i guess you can mark this as closed. Sorry for wasting your time :P


nyyr posted a comment Dec 14, 2014
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It may relate only to newly created arcs. If you have the time, you could test it again with another debuff and using it before logging out and in again.