Fade option bug

Akrololz opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hey! I've used this addon for ages, and after version v4.2.3 this addon have a bug, fade option is working wrong on every version after v4.2.3, so the bug is - when u cancel auto attacks, addon fade arcs like he fade it when u have option "When full". So basically, v4.2.3 and earlier versions - when u cancel auto attack arc still standing as option "In combat", and he fades to "When full" only when u leave combat, because out of combat is the second for a priority option, and after v4.2.3 this option is bugged, and addon counting out of combat option when u just cancel autoattacks (or just press ESC). Same if you will just target some1 and will press autoattack, addon will pop fade option "In combat", even if youre not in combat (just by rightclicking on some1 and not hitting him won't put you in combat, but fade option work like youre in combat). Please fix that, I'm a biggest fun of that addon :)


think i found solution, at least on dummy it worked, new CombatStatus() in all versions after v4.2.3 seems broken, so i just tooked combat status from 4.2.3 which is :

-- CombatStatus()

function ArcHUD:CombatStatus(event)
--self:LevelDebug(d_info, "CombatStatus: event = " .. event)

if(event == "PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT" or event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
self.PlayerIsInCombat = true
if(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
self.PlayerIsRegenOn = false
elseif(event == "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT" or event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
if(event == "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT" and self.PlayerIsRegenOn) then
self.PlayerIsInCombat = false
elseif(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
self.PlayerIsInCombat = false
self.PlayerIsRegenOn = true
elseif(event == "PET_ATTACK_START") then
self.PetIsInCombat = true
elseif(event == "PET_ATTACK_STOP") then
self.PetIsInCombat = false

and changed it in new version, worked for me


A tricky one, you are absolutely right.


Fixed with v5.0.3