Archaeology Helper [Fan Update]

Archaeology Helper [Fan Update]


WowUp and Github compatibility

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi, perfect job by reviving this great addon! Thank you all who contributed.
Just idea, because this version of addon isnt available on Curse nor Wowinterface, what about making this Github release compatible with WowUp addon manager?
It shouldn't be difficult, according to their documentation, maybe just doing tagged release :)

Anyway, thanks a lot for your work on Arh.


@scrazzy give it a try again. I've added the WoWUp release method and quickly checked via the addon (i don't normally use it) and wowup made it show up.

As far as uploading it to other sites, I've made a bit of a point about it in Curse but I don't feel 100% morally correct to re-uploading this to other sites under my name without permission or policy change around abandoned addons. I've tried reaching out to the original authors but so far it's been crickets as the person not been active.


Perfect job, work flawlessly! Thank you a lot for all linux and other WowUp users.