Archaeology Helper [Fan Update]

Archaeology Helper [Fan Update]


Issue with minimap

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments


I'm not sure if it's indented or not, but the overlay minimap don't rotate at all, which is realy disturbing as it feel like the cursor is sliding and not moving in the same direction you are.


Could you be more specific on how to reproduce it. What do you mean 'overlay minimap' not rotating? On the overlay HUD (which is the main screen where the color arches are placed) the arrow always points up because the addon assumes the camera is behind character and the character is looking 'forward'... but everything else in the HUD rotates.


I made a short record it would be easier to picture it like that ;)


Thank you!!!! This is intentional though a little disorienting.

The archeology nodes and your character position are actually on a flat coordinate plane... Imagine it as if looking top down onto a map, or gathering flowers on a lawn. So your character moves around while the archeology nodes remain in their predetermined positions. In other words, the world doesn't rotate, your character and camera do. The little circles on the screen are as if you're looking from the very top downwards with your character's position being represented by the arrow.

The little arrow itself is a static texture. I could recommend to turn off the arrow and turn on the success circle in the options to make it a little less obvious that the little arrow doesn't rotate.


I see, thanks for your answer :) It's indeed easier to pictures the whole scenary with the success circle turned on and the arrow off !
I was confused as in the youtube video I saw everything was rotating around so I though it was an issue with my settings or something :) ( )

Anyway, thanks again, and thanks for your work on keeping this addon alive ;)


Oh yeah, I recalled what it is!

The whole HUD overlay with the nodes with rotate if you have "Rotate Minimap" option enabled. I personally really dislike rotating minimap so I never have that enabled. Doesn't change the functionality, but I guess with the arrow it's a little simpler to rotate minimap (and HUD) and with circle to have them static.


Apparently variable name changed in dc9543580d03986098d3bf337748d34f1c3e44ea
Breaking that functionality... Well fixed!