Completed and accepted quests [Feature Request]
NukiWolf opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Until now and afaik quests needed to be marked manually as completed by selecting the "Finished" checkbox. Now, since the addon was refactored, the checkbox is automatically selected when a quest is turned in, but already completed quests are still not marked as completed. This is not really helpful.
Feature Request
Automatic detection of whether a quest is completed or in the quest log and display of this information in the quest list on the left, e.g. by adding a "column" with icons for completed, in quest log or not yet accepted.
Possible Implementation
Until now, I've always patched AtlasQuest to automatically display in the quest list on the left whether a quest was completed, already in the quest log or not yet accepted by calling C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted() and C_QuestLog.IsOnQuest() for each quest ID and setting the quest name color accordingly (grey = completed, green = in my quest log, red = not accepted yet). I did this for WoW Classic Harcore. So I think this solution should work, or are there any other problems that may arise?
Btw. is there some documentation that explains what the currently used icons and colors in the quest list window mean?
I've never really understood them and also never used/needed them.
I think everything you want is already there. As you noted, quests are now automatically marked as finished when you turn them in. For existing characters, if you go in the AtlasQuest options menu, there's a button "Get Quest Status". Click that, and it will mark all your already completed quests as finished.
The color of the quest in the quest list window is white when a quest is marked as finished (and it has the gear icon). The automatic quest finishing means this will generally match if a quest is completed or not, but still lets people manually mark or unmark a quest as finished.
When a quest is in your quest log, it's blue and this uses C_QuestLog.IsOnQuest()
Gray, green, yellow, orange and red indicate the quest difficulty, like they do in your quest log (although the level they turn colors may not match the quest log exactly). For icons, the arrow indicates a follow up quest, the gossip icon indicates a prequest.
Oh, I should probably also add that there's a checkbox in the options to turn off the quest difficulty colors, if you don't want them.
For existing characters, if you go in the AtlasQuest options menu, there's a button "Get Quest Status".
I am playing WoW on 2 computers. Therefore I would need to go into the options and press the button to update the quest progress on one computer everytime it has changed on the other computer, which is kinda cumbersome, especially because the button is in the WoW Options windows which closes all other windows when it is opened. Wouldn't it be easier to load/update the quest progress each time automatically? I know this would clash with manually marking quests as finished, but I don't see why you would want to do this manually and e.g. specify a quest as finished although it isn't. I assume this finished checkbox is there because historically it wasn't able to check if a quest was finished back then, which makes it redundant now. Alternatively, you could add a "Automatically retrieve quest status" with the hint that it overwrites manually marked quests as finished.
Oh, I should probably also add that there's a checkbox in the options to turn off the quest difficulty colors, if you don't want them.
This would be nice. Also, if quest difficulty colors are disabled, adding information whether a quest in the quest log is completed (QuestLog.IsComplete()) or if it failed (QuestLog.IsFinished()) would be cool.
Ah, yes, playing WoW on two computers would be a use case where the current functionality wouldn't suffice. I'm hesitant to remove the finished ability completely, as it is what people have used for a long time and does still have use cases. For example, if you want to ignore class quests that you aren't eligible for, or just a quest that you aren't interested in. But I can definitely see the benefit of an option to use the server quest complete status instead of AtlasQuest's tracking. I'll get that added.
I just released v5.1.0 with the option to use the server quest status for completed quests. It's disabled by default, just go in the options and check "Use the server's quest complete status instead of AtlasQuest's tracking". Quests that are complete on the server will be white. As before, quests in your log will be blue (unless you disabled that option) and you can turn off the quest difficulty colors in the options if you don't want them.