


Can´t open WotlK Instancetab

Dubduru opened this issue · 2 comments


AtlasLoot version 3.1.1

Hey guys, i can´t open the WotlK Instance Tab to view the Loot. If i open every other tab for WotlK or TBC or Classic they work perfectly fine.

I get this Lua Error

Message: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:860: table index is nil
Time: Sat Feb 11 15:04:17 2023
Count: 1
Stack: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:860: table index is nil
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:748: in function onLoadFunction' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Loader.lua"]:166: in function LoadModule'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:844: in function ButtonOnClick' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua"]:159: in function SetSelected'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:252: in function <Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua:250>
[string "=[C]"]: in function Show' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:1126: in function Toggle'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Core/SlashCommands.lua"]:20: in function ?' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Core/SlashCommands.lua"]:58: in function Run'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/MiniMapButton.lua"]:51: in function `OnClick'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Atlas/Libs/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua"]:144: in function <...ce/AddOns/Atlas/Libs/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>

Locals: abc = "AtlasLootClassic_DungeonsAndRaids"
moduleList =

1 = "Ragefire"
2 = "WailingCaverns"
3 = "TheDeadmines"
4 = "ShadowfangKeep"
5 = "BlackfathomDeeps"
6 = "TheStockade"
7 = "Gnomeregan"
8 = "RazorfenKraul"
9 = "ScarletMonasteryGraveyard"
10 = "ScarletMonasteryLibrary"
11 = "ScarletMonasteryArmory"
12 = "ScarletMonasteryCathedral"
13 = "RazorfenDowns"
14 = "Uldaman"
15 = "Zul'Farrak"
16 = "Maraudon"
17 = "TheTempleOfAtal'Hakkar"
18 = "BlackrockDepths"
19 = "LowerBlackrockSpire"
20 = "UpperBlackrockSpire"
21 = "DireMaulEast"
22 = "DireMaulWest"
23 = "DireMaulNorth"
24 = "Scholomance"
25 = "Stratholme"
26 = "WorldBosses"
27 = "MoltenCore"
28 = "Onyxia"
29 = "Zul'Gurub"
30 = "BlackwingLair"
31 = "TheRuinsofAhnQiraj"
32 = "TheTempleofAhnQiraj"
33 = "Naxxramas"
34 = "HellfireRamparts"
35 = "TheBloodFurnace"
36 = "TheShatteredHalls"
37 = "Mana-Tombs"
38 = "AuchenaiCrypts"
39 = "SethekkHalls"
40 = "ShadowLabyrinth"
41 = "TheSlavePens"
42 = "TheUnderbog"
43 = "TheSteamvault"
44 = "OldHillsbradFoothills"
45 = "TheBlackMorass"
46 = "TheArcatraz"
47 = "TheBotanica"
48 = "TheMechanar"
49 = "MagistersTerrace"
50 = "Karazhan"
51 = "ZulAman"
52 = "WorldBossesBC"
53 = "MagtheridonsLair"
54 = "GruulsLair"
55 = "SerpentshrineCavern"
56 = "TempestKeep"
57 = "HyjalSummit"
58 = "BlackTemple"
59 = "SunwellPlateau"
60 = "AhnKahet"
61 = "AzjolNerub"
62 = "DrakTharonKeep"
63 = "Gundrak"
64 = "HallsofLightning"
65 = "HallsofStone"
66 = "TheCullingOfStratholme"
67 = "TheNexus"
68 = "TheOculus"
69 = "VioletHold"
70 = "UtgardeKeep"
71 = "UtgardePinnacle"
72 = "TrialoftheChampion"
73 = "ForgeOfSouls"
74 = "PitOfSaron"
75 = "HallsOfReflection"
76 = "NaxxramasWrath"
77 = "TheEyeOfEternity"
78 = "ObsidianSanctum"
79 = "Ulduar"
80 = "TrialoftheCrusader"
81 = "WrathOnyxiasLair"
82 = "IcecrownCitadel"
83 = "RubySanctum"
84 = "VaultofArchavon"
ZulAman = 51
AuchenaiCrypts = 38
HyjalSummit = 57
UpperBlackrockSpire = 20
TrialoftheChampion = 72
TheBotanica = 47
ScarletMonasteryArmory = 11
OldHillsbradFoothills = 44
Zul'Gurub = 29
Maraudon = 16
HellfireRamparts = 34
Stratholme = 25
BlackwingLair = 30
Mana-Tombs = 37
LowerBlackrockSpire = 19
Gundrak = 63
MoltenCore = 27
ShadowLabyrinth = 40
TheCullingOfStratholme = 66
SethekkHalls = 39
SunwellPlateau = 59
BlackfathomDeeps = 5
ScarletMonasteryGraveyard = 9
GruulsLair = 54
ScarletMonasteryCathedral = 12
DireMaulEast = 21
ScarletMonasteryLibrary = 10
Zul'Farrak = 15
RazorfenDowns = 13
TheTempleofAhnQiraj = 32
TheSlavePens = 41
HallsofLightning = 64
TheSteamvault = 43
DireMaulWest = 22
PitOfSaron = 74
TheBlackMorass = 45
Naxxramas = 33

and this one

Message: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:860: table index is nil
Time: Sat Feb 11 15:04:49 2023
Count: 2
Stack: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:860: table index is nil


It all worked perfectly fine but with the last update via curseforge app it all went down :x Hope you can help me / update this


Today i got this one while logging on a alt

Message: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:505: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Time: Sun Feb 12 11:30:35 2023
Count: 1
Stack: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:505: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua"]:505: in function UpdateDb' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua"]:540: in function func'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/AtlasLoot.lua"]:42: in function <Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/AtlasLoot.lua:34>

Locals: (*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
= defined =[C]:-1

and this one after opening AtlasLoot

Message: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:786: attempt to index upvalue 'ItemCountCache' (a nil value)
Time: Sun Feb 12 11:33:07 2023
Count: 1
Stack: ...erface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Addons/Favourites.lua:786: attempt to index upvalue 'ItemCountCache' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:844: in function ButtonOnClick' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua"]:159: in function SetSelected'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:252: in function <Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua:250>
[string "=[C]"]: in function Show' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua"]:1126: in function Toggle'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Core/SlashCommands.lua"]:20: in function ?' [string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Core/SlashCommands.lua"]:58: in function Run'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/MiniMapButton.lua"]:51: in function `OnClick'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Atlas/Libs/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua"]:144: in function <...ce/AddOns/Atlas/Libs/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>

Locals: self =

selectable = true
SetText = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:96
data =
OnEnterButton = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:48
ButtonOnClick = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua:837
Toggle = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:61
ttSource = GameTooltip {
Clear = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:65
OnLeaveButton = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:55
SetButtonOnClick = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:113
icon = true
EnableSelectable = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:169
SetParPoint = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/GUI.lua:1543
SetToolTipFunc = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:91
EnableIcon = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:173
width = 245
SetWidth = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:85
frame = AtlasLoot-DropDown-1 {
SetData = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:69
SetSelected = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:122
SetTitle = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/GUI/Template_DropDown.lua:104
id = "AtlasLootClassic_DungeonsAndRaids"
arg = nil
db =
classFilter = false
point =
ExpansionIcon = true
autoselect = true
mainFrame =
selectedGameVersion = 3
DefaultFrameLocked = false
contentTopBar =
selected =
contentBottomBar =
content =
ModuleSelectFunction_FirstCall = false
AtlasLoot =
ClickHandler =
DevPrint = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/AtlasLoot.lua:58
OnInitialize = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/AtlasLoot.lua:74
Data =
IngameLocales =
Locale =
SendAddonVersion = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/AtlasLoot.lua:203
Loader =
__addonrevision = 3010001
Addons =
db =
SlashCommands =
LibBabble =
GameVersion_LE = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Init.lua:149
dbRaw =
IS_BC = false
dbGlobal =
MiniMapButton =
Faction_GetFactionName = defined @Interface/AddOns/AtlasLootClassic/Button/Faction_type.lua:154


Hm i deleted all of my Fav lists and now it´s working again. Created a new one and still working. So i think something was crappy with my Favourites