Auctionator ClassicFix

Auctionator ClassicFix


Scripting appears in general log tab when Auctionator active

Pajagoniss opened this issue ยท 0 comments


The new Auctionator ClassicFix update fills the general tab with all Atr_ scripting information anytime that program is used, but also is cursor is hovered over a bag item or an item is clicked. For example, when starting the game, hundreds of lines of script populate the pane, ending in:
Atr_OnAddOnLoaded Blizzard_TimeManager
Atr_OnAddOnLoaded Blizzard_CombatLog

When clicking on a bag item with the auctionator tab open:
Atr_ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick table:
00000203F51D0690 LeftButton
auctionator_ChatEdit_InsertLink [LightLeather]

This sort of script logging is constant and makes it impossible to view or engage in chat during the game. Really don't want to remove the addon, but it only stops when the program is disabled. Have tried deleting and reloading, and reloading the UI but would appreciate any help at all ASAP. Thanks.