Auctionator ClassicFix

Auctionator ClassicFix


Any plans for a Burning Crusade Classic version of Auctionator-classic

b-morgan opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am the author/maintainer of Skillet and Skillet-Classic. Both have a plugin which uses Auctionator data to estimate profit and generate Auctionator shopping lists from Skillet / Skillet-Classic shopping lists.

I was able to port Skillet-Classic to Burning Crusade Classic and the changes required ported back to Classic so I have one set of sources for both (with the exception of the "##Interface" line in the .toc.

The majority of the changes were to add code similar to the following for each frame used.

	local frame = SkilletFrame
	if not frame.SetBackdrop then
		Mixin(frame, BackdropTemplateMixin)

It would be nice if there was a version of Auctionator-classic for Burning Crusade Classic. Do you have plans to do so?


The attached .zip contains a patch file with, I believe, all the changes necessary. Auctionator-classic loads and Skillet-Classic's use of it works as expected.

Since I'm busy trying to get all the Skillet-Classic changes merged into GIT, I did not check that this version still functions on Classic, but since these are the exact same type of changes I had to make in Skillet-Classic, I'm very confident that they will work there as well.

BTW, I did find a bug in my Auctionator plugin (a divide by zero) so this was a worthwhile exercise for me!


Should be closed by #24.