Price history in tooltips.
Tarkumi opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Could you implement a feature to show the item price history in the tooltip on a keypress? Like Ctrl or Alt.
While we can implement the feature, this is sufficiently invasive that it will need to be disabled by default (the price history is a pretty big thing to add to a tooltip, even with a modifier key), and adding a feature that needs to be hidden in that way is undesirable.
Its possible to hook into Auctionator to add it yourself though - although it might break in the future:
hooksecurefunc(Auctionator.Tooltip, "ShowTipWithPricingDBKey", function(tooltipFrame, dbKeys)
if IsAltKeyDown() then
for index, entry in ipairs(Auctionator.Database:GetPriceHistory(dbKeys[1])) do
tooltipFrame:AddDoubleLine(, WHITE_FONT_COLOR:WrapTextInColorCode(Auctionator.Utilities.CreateMoneyString(entry.minSeen)))