Incorrect battle pets listed when using Max with identical pets at different levels
SiJiL82 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:
Brief Description of Bug
With multiple stacks of the same battle pet at different levels in inventory, Auctionator takes 1 pet from each stack when using Max, rather than listing that complete stack.
Steps to Reproduce
4 caged battle pets in inventory, all the same pet.
2x lvl1, 2x lvl 25
Select the stack of lvl1 pets to list.
Click the Max button, Quantity in Auctionator increases to 2.
Click Post, Auctionator posts 1x lvl1 and 1x lvl 25 at the same price, instead of 2x lvl1
Tested with 2x lvl1 and 2x lvl 25 pets, and can confirm that this happens.
This is because the Blizzard auction house post API doesn't distinguish between pets of different level - putting a level 1 pet up for sale in the Sell tab and setting the quantity to 2 will get the same results.
Can't fix the API, but we can take measures to ensure that nobody accidentally posts the wrong pets.
Options include:
- Preventing posting any pets in stacks of more than 1.
- Limiting pet quantities to 1 if other pets of the same species with a different level are found in your bag.
- Requiring a click for each invididual pet to be posted (then the Auctionator code can make sure the right pet is used in each case)