"No Items Found"
SadboiYami opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:
I keep getting the message "Full Scan (Summary Mode) Failed to complete." And that's the ONLY thing that i can find thats different. But i've tried EVERYTHING. No matter what I do, search, filter, change settings, full scans, anything, NOT A SINGLE ITEM SHOWS UP. It looks like its loading forever i let it sit multiple different times for over 10 minutes and nothing. If you ever click the Search button directly, again no matter how you do it, all it does is bring up the message "No Items Found". I've reloaded my UI, I've gone thru all the settings and even tried the slower scan option even tho im not on a busy server, and still NOTHING works.
Please include a brief description of the bug, including what you were doing, and when it occurred.
All I did was open up the Auction House. I didn't do anything special. I've never once messed with any of the settings or anything ever. I was just trying to buy a gem and when i opened it nothing would load ANYWHERE, NOTHING LOADS. No items of any kinds, no sections, not the WoW UI or the TSM UI, nothing you type or search, not a single thing loads. You either get a spinning circle that never stops or the message "No Items Found". I've taken down all the other addons i had running 1 by 1 until all that remained was Auctionator and it still doesnt work.
Include the steps I would need to follow to reproduce the bug.
As I said, JUST OPEN THE AUCTION HOUSE. NOTHING WORKS. ALL I DID WAS OPEN IT AT AN AUCTION NPC AS USUAL. I tried the long neck mount, i tried an actual stormwind auction house, nothing.
Include a list of addons you were running at the time this bug occurred.
Auctioneer and all the things that come with it, TSM, Pawn, WorthIt and i think thats it.
You can get this through the use of !BugGrabber and BugSack addons.